Havasu Falls, Arizona


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Well-known member
Sep 27, 2004
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Danvers, MA Avatar: The Wave, AZ
hey ya'll,

I'm planning a 2-3 week Southwestern US trip for next spring to hit all the classic hiking destinations there (Zion, Bryce, Canyonlands, Moab, Grand Canyon), and I'm wondering if anyone from VFTT has visited Havasu Falls in Arizona recently (last few years). I've read a lot in online journals/guidebooks about this place, but there's a few questions I can't find decent answers to...

Is the Havasu Falls experience still what it used to be, or has it become an overcrowded jumble of tourism? Is it still a wild experience? Is it still one of the best 2-3 day backpacking trips in the country? If we visited midweek during April or May, how many people would we generally share the falls with? (looking for a rough idea...50 or 500?)

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
On a rafting trip in early May 2004, we hiked up to Mooney Falls from the river, about 7 miles one way. Havasu Falls was further up the creek. There were at least 75 people altogether, but it really didn't matter. What a hike and what a place! I'd expect more were at Havasu, which is closer to the rim.
I was there two years ago in October and would highly advise you to go! It is incredible, despite the crowds.

"Is the Havasu Falls experience still what it used to be, or has it become an overcrowded jumble of tourism?"

Overcrowded jumble is probably overstating it, but I think it gets pretty darn busy on the weekends (we were there on a weekday).

"Is it still a wild experience?"

Yes and no. It isn't at or close to the village or the campground. But hiking in is to some extent(except for the mule trains that pass by) and if you hike down toward the river, you probably won't see a lot of people. We didn't.

"Is it still one of the best 2-3 day backpacking trips in the country?"

I can't possibly answer that--it's so individual. But I think it is well worth seeing if you set your expectations.

"If we visited midweek during April or May, how many people would we generally share the falls with? "

Not sure, but certainly way more than 50.

Hope this helps! Unfortunately, my pics aren't online, or I would show them to you.