Haystack 5/30


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Lovely morning interrupted by helicoptors buzzing in and out of Slant Rock area (not good). Conditions are changing since Sabrina's hike on the weekend. Mostly dry with just the usual muddy places to Slant Rock. Water crossings are fine. Mushy snow with very, very unstable bridges on sections of the Phelps. Water running everwhere. The Connector trail begins in deep but unstable snow and then at the steep section the first part is just wet rocks. Then the snow is packed and barebootable for maybe a couple hundred yards and then intermittant and soft and unpleasant. At the rock before the descent to little Haystack snow ends. Great day on the summit. No wind, no bugs. lots of sunscreen. I thought about Basin but I think I'll wait for a little less snow on the range trail. It's raining here now so maybe next week