Haystack Basin Saddleback 01/26/08


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Jim and I headed up Phelps Trail from the Garden with Jim setting a nice pace, thanks. Phelps trail had a dusting of 2 to 4 inches of fresh light powder. Trail from Slant Rock to Little Haystack had 1 to 1.5 feet fresh powder. Slow going up steep section from Marcy/Haystack junction to Little Haystack. Had to kick MSR snowshoes in to get a bite on underlying firm snow. Little Haystack and Haystack covered with hard windblown snow, some exposed rock, little ice. MSR's worked fine from Little Haystack to Haystack.

Range Trail to Basin was 1.5 + feet of fresh powder. Needed to kick in steps to avoid slidding back on steep slope up. By the ladder it was very icy. I was able to skirt the ice to the right. Ice ax may have been helpful. Laura S hiked in Shorey Short Cut to Basin so three hikers to Basin. Laura and Jim headed back to Garden via Shorey Short Cut.

Range trail to Saddleback was 1.5+ feet of powder snow. Same story - fun going down slooow going up and kicking in steps on the steep sections. Avoided ice just past Basin summit on way to Saddleback. Could have used crampons there but thought best to avoid ice. Arrived the Saddleback cliffs and switched to crampons for the cliffs. Mostly exposed rock with some ice, little to no snow on the cliffs. Only myself to Saddleback.

Trip down to the col between Saddleback and Gothics was again easy with the deep snow. At the col I was very pleased to find that the Orebed Brook trail was very well beaten in. Passed many hikers and skiers on the way out.