Haystack Mt 10/4/08


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The weather was nice and cool with clearing skies in the morning but that would change.The trail in from the garden was in good shape with only a few muddy spots.
Once we got to slant rock things started to change for the worse,SNOW! and cold temps!There was 4-5 inches by time we got our first look at Haystack and the wind was blowing hard. We put warm gear on and headed out.
The wind on Little Haystack was very hard and at times it almost blew you over. The trail up Haystack was a wet & slippery mess. As we climbed the wind got unbelievable! At the summit we were almost on our hands & knees!!! But through it all my son Erick became a 46er!!!! What a way to finish,We will never forget this trip.
I think from now on you will need winter gear to keep warm & safe.