Help for knee pain...

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Jan 15, 2004
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Guilderland, NY
I talked before about how my knees were getting trashed coming down from a hike. never on flat ground or going up. i've just purchased 2 items to hopefully help with this & wanted to pass along since i found pretty good deals on them;
the 1st are cho-pat knee supports: they run 29.95 each on most sites but i actually found them on ebay (new) & was able to purchase a pair for 37.99 plus shipping of $6 = 43.99 - that's $20 of most prices elsewhere. the seller was "avantop" : here's the search results. i've tried them & they definitely help stabilize the knee and reduce the pain. ebay seems to have quite a few of these and regularly. i got them within a wk of paying:

i also bought a pr of tights/ base layer from "cw-x". if you've seen these they have a special support system built into the tights in the quads, around your knee and then your calf. i also won a pr on ebay. initially i lost out; my highest bid was $25 (they run $90) but i guess the winner didn't pay up so i got them. here's some info on them - if anyone has tried them let me know what you think as i haven't rec'd yet.:

here's to hiking pain free or at least a little more painless....
Both sound like good purchases. Have you checked in with your doctor or sports therapist yet? Knees are such tricky items I'd definately want some professional advice before any serious adventures.

Cho-Pat knee supports

I agree with Dave about getting professional advice for your specific needs.

My therapist (physical, not mental) said Cho-Pat makes good, reliable products but which brand/model you should get depends on the specifics.


shadowcat said:
I talked before about how my knees were getting trashed coming down from a hike. never on flat ground or going up. i've just purchased 2 items to hopefully help with this & wanted to pass along since i found pretty good deals on them;
the 1st are cho-pat knee supports: they run 29.95 each on most sites but i actually found them on ebay (new) & was able to purchase a pair for 37.99 plus shipping of $6 = 43.99 - that's $20 of most prices elsewhere. the seller was "avantop" : here's the search results. i've tried them & they definitely help stabilize the knee and reduce the pain. ebay seems to have quite a few of these and regularly. i got them within a wk of paying:

i also bought a pr of tights/ base layer from "cw-x". if you've seen these they have a special support system built into the tights in the quads, around your knee and then your calf. i also won a pr on ebay. initially i lost out; my highest bid was $25 (they run $90) but i guess the winner didn't pay up so i got them. here's some info on them - if anyone has tried them let me know what you think as i haven't rec'd yet.:

here's to hiking pain free or at least a little more painless....
I would see an orthopedic specialist and get an opinion as to the cause of the pain. My knee pain turned out to be a meniscus tear that i just had surgically repaired. One week later, I have been released to resume normal activities so I am actually experiencing less down time after the surgery than before.
not the "s" word pleeeese

gosh i don't knee-ed any more surgery! trust me. i'll try the pads & wk on my strength training. if that doesn't help i promise to see the good dr.
yuck.... :(
just my two cents

My Doctor said that, at least in my case, the knee braces would actually increase damage to my knees since they press the kneecap into the tissue behind and would eventually make the root of the problem worse. Do leg raises while sitting in a chair (great to do at work) and try glucosamine, and really, go see a specialist about your knees. Once they are gone you'll be in even worse shape.
Greg said:
My Doctor said that, at least in my case, the knee braces would actually increase damage to my knees since they press the kneecap into the tissue behind
Generally, any knee brace, including ACE-type bandages, that press on the kneecap aren't a good idea, but Cho-Pats don't do this, wrapping above and below the knee. Perhaps he wore the Cho-Pats backwards? Turn them around so that the solid part is behind the knee, and nothing is resting on the kneecap. They should work better.
Stretching and Exercise are the best ways to help this. Been there, done that!

But definitely see a professional for exactly what YOU should do!
Just what you don't want to hear: Give your knees time to rest. Avoid walking downhill which, of course, means stop walking uphill. Spend a year swimming, no impact, plenty of exercise. Eat calcium. I'd avoid any exercise that involves impact within the joint or grinding, like leg lifts.
Sports rehab is a billion-dollar biz but sometimes the proper prescription is rest. Your case sounds like one that needs rest. Sorry.

Swimming is the BEST exercise going. It is good for your muscles, joints and cardio/vascular system.

Notice I said "best"; not "most enjoyable" -- we all know what that is!

jjmcgo said:
Just what you don't want to hear: Give your knees time to rest. Avoid walking downhill which, of course, means stop walking uphill. Spend a year swimming, no impact, plenty of exercise. Eat calcium. I'd avoid any exercise that involves impact within the joint or grinding, like leg lifts.
Sports rehab is a billion-dollar biz but sometimes the proper prescription is rest. Your case sounds like one that needs rest. Sorry.
knee pain help

well i've been using the cho-pats & they have really helped. i had only a tiny bit of discomfort coming down in my right knee & i think if i had tightened them up a bit more it would have been better. they hold your knee in a well supported position & i could not even begin to walk down from the summit & the pain would be horrendous. this time i had a 98% reduction. of course i will watch it, i've already b een taking calcium & am doing some lite wgt leg raises at gym . may also try glucosamine - bit expensive but will try it.
thanks for the info
and if anyone wants to try to chopats go to ebay as you will save $20 off of any other prices i was able to find.