Help planning Cabot please

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Fianally hiked Cabot!

A year after posting this RFI, I finally did Cabot yesterday. Great hike! As recommened by many of you, I drove to Stark and took the Unknown Pond Trail to Kilkenny Ridge.

I cant put my finger on why, but I really felt a sense of "wildness" hiking that route that I dont feel when I hike, say, Lafayette or Ike. And the views from the Horn were awesome.

So thats 42/48 and if I ever get a pair of "20 mile legs" I'll be able to finish my last six; Owls Head, The Bonds, Isolation, Zealand.

Thanks for all the great input on Cabot guys!

dentonfabrics said:
So thats 42/48 and if I ever get a pair of "20 mile legs" I'll be able to finish my last six; Owls Head, The Bonds, Isolation, Zealand.
Owl's head is really not that hard. Long yes, but flat for miles.

Isolation is 'only' 14 miles.

Given what you have, save the Bonds for last. Remember, you do not have to do them all in one day, and you can use the huts to make the trip easier.