Help with Emergency Telephone Numbers

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Sep 19, 2003
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Massassachusetts Avatar: It looks easy on t
I'm updating my list of emergency telephone numbers I leave with my itinerary (specifically while hiking in or around the White Mountain National Forest) to report an overdue hiker. I can't find a number for the New Hampshire State Police to be accessed from out of state (MA) or New Hampshire Fish & Game (again accessed for out of state (MA).

I do have a number for The WMNF HQ, 603 536.6100, but I'm not sure if this is a 24 hour number. It's useless if it goes over to a answering machine after 16:30 when HQ closes.

If anyone has recent numbers for 1) NH State Police 2) NH F&G and 3) WMNF HQ, it would be much appreciated (all calls would originate from Massachusetts).

I'm sure I'm not the only one who needs these numbers.

Thanks for any info

See you on the trails...Walker

PS....I do have *77 on cell phones for NHSP, but it only works in state.
The published numbers for all three agencies will tend to be 9-5. You can try the direct number for each office:

NH SP HQ Communications: (603) 223-4381

(603) 223-4381 is listed on the web site as "In State and Local", not originating from out of state.

The correct contact for hiking emergencies is the NH State Police.

From the website at

In-State Emergency Only (toll free): (800) 525-5555
Emergency Cell Phone for NH, ME, MA: *77
In State and Local: (603) 223-4381


Again, the overdue hiker report will be coming from out of state, Massachusetts

What does "In State and Local" mean?

This is the problem I'm having. I can find all sorts of emergency numbers, but all are either originating from a cell phone or in state.
I feel most numbers for the NH F&G are so called 9 to 5 numbers. And I know the WMNF HQ is transferred over to voice mail when HQ is closed.

I can't understand why these numbers are so hard to find.
I'm just going to list the AMC Pinkham Notch number and let them figure out where to go from there.

Thanks to everyone for the help. If one of the WMNF Rangers want to chime in on there top secret, not to be released telephone numbers, I promise not to tell anyone. ;)

Most overdue hikers or reported hiker in need of rescue, is co ordinated by the State Police, Troop F barracks, in Twin Mt. Dispatch center there takes care of contacting F & G after hours...the number is 603-846-3333...Troop F troopers also patrol I 93 down to Ashland, Exit 24...after that Troop D has 93 down to the Concord area....your best bet would be to have person call this number and the ball would get rolling easier than calling numerous numbers....
(603) 223-4381 is listed on the web site as "In State and Local", not originating from out of state.

I know it says "In State and Local", but since this is standard number for a NH landline, I would expect it to be reachable from other states. There's an easy way to find out...

As for F&G and USFS, I don't believe they have a staffed 24-hour line. When 911 dispatch needs to reach someone after hours I believe they use a call list of personal numbers for each agency. Obviously, these numbers are not made available for public use.
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I know it says "In State and Local", but since this is standard number for a NH landline, I would expect it to be reachable from other states. There's an easy way to find out...

Yes. "Local" is simply legacy phone company-speak for "regular, non-toll-free number on a nearby local branch exchange," callable from anywhere.
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Thanks everyone. I finally had some time late this morning and called the "local" number. Yup, it works just fine from Massachusetts. Thanks for all the help.
Now if someone can give me the number of a delivery service that would drop off some nice ice cold margaritas on the summits that would really be nice. ;)

Fall hiking is here....and everyone knows what that means.....NO BUGS!!!

Number for NH Fish & Game

According to the Appalachian Mountain Club Pinkham Notch, the number you want it 800-552-8960.

This is straight to New Hampshire Fish & Game, they are the ones that head any search and rescue operations.

Thanks you Lauren, Backcountry Information Specialist, AMC Pinkham Notch Visitor Center for this information.

Hike Safe....Walker
According to the Appalachian Mountain Club Pinkham Notch, the number you want it 800-552-8960. This is straight to New Hampshire Fish & Game, they are the ones that head any search and rescue operations. Thanks you Lauren, Backcountry Information Specialist, AMC Pinkham Notch Visitor Center for this information.

Actually, that's the number for Carroll County Sheriff's Dispatch Center - who can put you in touch with F&G.
At the hikesafe hearing I asked Col. Garabedian how out-of-staters should contact F&G for rescues, he said to call F&G during day and state police 800 number at night. I said this might be instate only and he didn't know - probably never needs to call it :)

I asked what would happen if somebody called 911 out of state and would it be transferred, he said that happens all the time with many 911 calls from eastern NH initially picked up in ME.

As most of White Mtns is not in Carroll County, I would suggest 911 over Carroll County dispatch - for one thing it's easier to remember!
As most of White Mtns is not in Carroll County, I would suggest 911 over Carroll County dispatch - for one thing it's easier to remember!
911's pretty good about shooting you through to the correct dispatch, if they know where you are. As Roy mentioned, towers can do weird things*. Keep it simple: "I'm in the White Mountains in New Hampshire west of Route 16 and (I'm lost, someone's having a heart attack, broke my leg)" and generally the next thing they'll say is who they're transferring you to. They want to know where you are and if someone needs immediate medical transport. Nobody's going to complain that you called 911 instead of direct to F&G or whatever.

*There were problems where 911 calls would go through to Santa Fe dispatch, 30+ miles out of the way, I'm guessing via the ski area. We had specific instructions to make sure we were talking to LANL EOC. But that level of dispatch confusion is very rare.