Henderson Mtn from Henderson Lake Attempt


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Explorer 61

Had planned to stay at the shelter at Henderson Lake and do some day hikes. When that fell through the two of us remaining took a good look at the map and thought it might be possible to approach Henderson from the stream almost directly across from the put in.

We got an early start and wheeled my aluminum canoe to the start. We then paddled across and also surveyed the terrain in case we came down somewhere other than where we started.

Or plan was to take the right branch of the stream where it forks at about 2000 ft. By staying to the left (river right for the canoeists) the going was relatively easy at first and even followed some old overgrown logging roads (on the return we even saw the remains of an iron stove). We thought we could stay to the left of the right branch, but it rapidly became too steep so we veered farther right. As we got higher, especially above 2500 ft it got particularly thick, at least for us amateur bush wackers. After about 2.5 hours of fun going up, we decided we had enough exercise and decided to go down the other side (river right of right branch). We were near what appeared to be a ridge and if we went much farther we were going to tax our endurance and lose complete track of the stream. The going got much thicker for the first 100-200 ft down (we had reached something over 2650) but then opened to be easier than the other side. In hindsight, the left branch may have been easier, although it is not as direct a route to the summit. There was a logging road remnant branching in that direction as we headed right where the stream branched.

When we returned (5 hrs total) we circumnavigated much of the lake and took a look at the shelter for future reference. It was easier to get to by canoe, than an internet posting had indicated, but that might have been the water level.

We may not try this again, but we look forward to hearng of anyone elses attempts. Equipment needs would be anything and everthing you need for a total bush whack.
Have not been on the peak from the lake side. Much easier from near the leanto on the E side. Uphill right to the top with some herd paths. Can be a little thick in a few places.
If you're interested in stuff like this, suggest you pick up a copy of Spencer Morrissey's book, The Other 54 and a decent map.