Henderson to Duck hole: "carry" question?


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Sep 8, 2003
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Does one need to carry the canoe on the hiker trail between Upper and Lower Preston Pond and between Lower Preston Pond and Duck Hole, or will one find a more direct "herdpath" travelling along the brook linking the three ponds?

You'll find herd paths for the portages.

Both exiting the canoe and re-entering at U and L Preston Ponds will put you in some real stinky muck if you're not careful. Look for a stake at the end of the pond for that portage.

Leaving Lower Preston I still haven't gone through there yet without leaving kevlar on the rocks. :( Just follow the outlet. You'll have to get out and portage until you get to a deep hole. Get back in your canoe to cross the stream and then up and over the bank to Duck HOle. Unless a new herd path has been made on the other side of the stream.

I've done this trip several times by canoe, once solo and I love it.
