Here it comes . . . .maybe

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Oct 27, 2004
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Avatar: "World's Windiest Place" Stamp (5/27/06)
The radio version of "Eye on the Sky" is predicting 6-12" snow in higher elevations west of here and 5-7" in the western Whites. We'll see,

Here's a link to the less detailed online version.

If this materializes, we won't have to worry about Yak-Trax anymore because it'll be snowshoe and ski time!
The NWS has issued a WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY for the valleys around Mount Washington beginning early this afternoon and a WINTER STORM WARNING for the northern half of the county starting early this evening. The high summits are expected to pick up 10-20cm (4-8in) of snow before a change to sleet late tonight or early tomorrow morning. Precipitation is anticipated to be heaviest through Saturday morning.

32 degrees F. in Tamworth with a mix of sleet and wet snow. 113A between Wonalancet and North Sandwich is treacherous. It's gonna hafta cool down some if we are to get any accumulation out of this.
rain, rain, rain

It rained all night in Franconia at 1200', and it's still coming down. River crossings are going to be tough. There's still a prediction for cooler temps later today but it will most likely produce freezing rain and icy conditions. Don't know whether there's snow higher up as it's too socked in to see anything in the mountains. Looks like the cold temps stayed way to the west of us in the ADKs.
Waumbek said:
It rained all night in Franconia at 1200', and it's still coming down. River crossings are going to be tough. There's still a prediction for cooler temps later today but it will most likely produce freezing rain and icy conditions. Don't know whether there's snow higher up as it's too socked in to see anything in the mountains. Looks like the cold temps stayed way to the west of us in the ADKs.

Well, looks like I'm heading over to Wachusett to ski down some slush, and mountain biking tomorrow......

Wrong thread, but I'd rather live out West........ :(

ADackR said:
i've seen reports of 8-14 inches in the high peaks of the ADK's


We're getting that here in the valley, got to be twice as much in the High Peaks, and it is still coming down !!