high water warning


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New member
Dec 3, 2004
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..Madison, NH
Rivers are still running quite high in the White Mountains. On Sunday, the Swift River was higher than I have ever seen it, even during spring melt! It hasn't gone down much yet. Plan accordingly.

Champney Falls/Pitcher Falls area is beautiful!

Happy Trails!
Yes, colors are relatively late, but nice.

Now the forecast is calling for rain, off and on, through the weekend. River crossings will be difficult.

Happy Trails!

As of Wednesday afternoon, the Swift looks close to normal, but still a bit high. Thursday's forecast looks like another downpour. Please be careful and plan accordingly for this weekend.

BTW, foliage is remarkably slow in the southeastern White Mountains.

Happy Trails!
cantdog said:
The colors are great! Since no rocks are showing, I can't tell where within the Swift the picture is taken. If possible, it would be great to se a shot of a landmark, like Upper or Lower Falls or the gorge in such conditions.

Good call, I thought the same thing. Lower Falls would have been perfect, the water was completely over the rocks there. That picture is 1/4 mile downstream.

So, here's a shot of Champney Falls area...
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