Hike with Dr. Wu on Sunday, March 13


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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2004
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Kill Kaso, MA
Ok, here I go again, posting a list of potential hikes I'd be up for this weekend. But bear with me.

Camel's Hump - what is this, 5 weeks in a row I posted this one??
Osceola - Should be some great trailbreaking! Swiss Bobsleds (I have an extra, on loan from Dalraida) for the way down!!
Ascutney - it's on the 2000' Prominence List
Northwest Hancock - I'm considering a Bushwhack from on or near North Peak. Then back over to South and down (with Swiss Bob's)
Torngats - Pre-Spring Hike
Vose Spur - Why Not?
Mt. Lowell - See Above
Edit: I would also consider -
Giant Mountain - the the Adirondacks

Any interest, respond here or PM me. I like to start early (7-8am) and I hike in the winter at an average to occasionally brisk pace. Sometimes faster. I also like to linger, even in bad weater, on peaks and outlooks and take the occasional hot-soup break.


Dr. Wu
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dr_wu002 said:
Ok, here I go again, posting a list of potential hikes I'd be up for this weekend. But bear with me.

Camel's Hump - what is this, 5 weeks in a row I posted this one??
Torngats - Pre-Spring Hike
Dr. Wu
So let me understand this, if you don't get any takers for Camel's Hump or some of the other local attractions this weekend, you'll bop on up to Labrador for some early season peak bagging? Plenty of P2ks up there I'm told. :D

Pb :)
Papa Bear said:
So let me understand this, if you don't get any takers for Camel's Hump or some of the other local attractions this weekend, you'll bop on up to Labrador for some early season peak bagging? Plenty of P2ks up there I'm told. :D

Pb :)
No, I'm looking for someone from VFTT with a private plane willing to take me there for the weekend!! :D

I'm gonna get up there somehow.

2 years... That's my goal.

Any takers??

-Dr. Wu

PS. everyone -- I added GIANT to that list above