Hiked out or new location ?


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Sep 20, 2004
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Hey Everybody,
During the winter season it seems that most people go the Adirondacks or the 'dacks as most call it. Is because its a really good place to do winter hiking or us it a new stomping ground thru the year? Has the Whites been hiked out by most people on VFTT or is the Adirondacks a seasonal place for the most of you?
From my experience as primarily a Catskills and ADK hiker who has been venturing the past year to the Whites, is that there is not much cross pollination between NY and New England. It does happen but it's not the rule, more of an exception.
I do most of my ADKs hiking in the summer because travel is easier from here, campgrounds and motels are more likely to be open for arrival or departure days, and I like to backpack in the ADKs in summer. In the winter I take a break from hiking to ski and snowshoe at lower altitudes. I've spent a long time hiking in the Whites. It's hard to "hike them out" if you expand horizons beyond the 4Ks.
Waumbek said:
I do most of my ADKs hiking in the summer because travel is easier from here, campgrounds and motels are more likely to be open for arrival or departure days, and I like to backpack in the ADKs in summer. In the winter I take a break from hiking to ski and snowshoe at lower altitudes. I've spent a long time hiking in the Whites. It's hard to "hike them out" if you expand horizons beyond the 4Ks.

I've been hiking the Whites for about 45 years, and there are still places and trails I have yet to explore! I've only been to the Dacks once. I hike the Catskills once in a while in the fall, after the bugs are gone! The Catskills are only a 1 1/2 to 3 hour drive from me in NJ, but I still much prefer the Whites!

I hiked in the Adirondacks for the first time 2002. I love the rugged terrain and isolated trailheads. I dont even mind the excessive mud so much.
The Whites are always going to be my first love, lists or no lists.There are countless areas of stunning beauty and after 14 years Ive only scratched the surface here. No way I could ever see it "hiked out".
I live near Buffalo, so anything east of the Adirondacks (I never use the term "Dacks", etc.) is too far to go. I make the 6 hour drive to Lake Placid or nearby areas at least once a month, and have been doing that for 2-3 years. I just can't get enough of the ADIRONDACKS. I ventured into the Whites last year, but the 11+ hour drive makes it a trip I can't do more than once a year, or less. Hiked out? Never!
You mean there are other places to hike besides the Adirondacks?? G'wan, yer just kidding me, right??
hiked out?

Interesting question and one that made me ponder 20+ yrs hiking and climbing in the Whites. If your goal is one ascent of each prominent peak, I guess you could hike out some areas if you tried. My personal thoughts on this is that you cant begin to know any mountains unless you climb them many times. On every new climb of a peak youve done before, you see things you missed on the previous ascent. Diferent seasons and different conditions lend to this as well.
It wasnt until after my 100th ascent or so, of Mt. Washington that I started to feel very close to the mountain, MT. LIberty is another example for me, as is the Franconia ridge and the Northern Presidentials. Its like meeting a girl, at first, its the small things that catch your eye, but only after time you develope a deep devotion and a sense of familiararity that in itself becomes what you love.
People who climb peaks once see the surface as with all mountains, its only after spending much time, storms, failed attempts, snow, rain, peope you meet who make your day, clouds swirling around you on the summitt, wildlife you meet, these are all some of the things that lend to your mountain experience.
I could never climb out the Whites, every ascent, every peak is a new adventure, after hundreds of ascents of Washington, sometimes at home I catch myself thinking, what am I missing on the rockpile today? :D
Kevin, the 115 beers in HarryK's avatar should be a give away;)

I never gave much consideration to the Adirondacks until I was sitting on Camel's Hump and my jaw dropped. I said "I have to go there". While I will never hike out any one area, it is certainly fun trying, particularly once the lists are done. The Whites and Maine are closer for me, so day trips are easier to do. The Adirondacks are always at least a long weekend event. I always look forward to both.
Kevin is right... proximity is very important.

3 years ago I lived in NH and spent all my time hiking there and VT. Since I've moved to ME, I've spent all my time hiking here.

in fact, I don't think I've hiked in NH since July! it's hard to justify driving 4.5 hours to the Whites when I can be at Togue Pond in 1-1/2 hours or to Acadia in 1-1/4 hours...

I'm looking forward to the Gathering as a great excuse to get back to NH!

Ridgewalker said:
During the winter season it seems that most people go the Adirondacks or the 'dacks as most call it.

Never been to the Daks, and honestly have few plans to go there. Just as with Spencer, when I lived on the NH/VT border, I explored NH/VT. Living in Maine now, I explore Maine and mostly eastern NH.

In winter, I tend to ski more than hike. I am not much of a peakbagger; if anything, I'm a funbagger. I have a motto that serves me well: "Never leave snow to find snow."
VFTT has perhaps become highly populated by Adk hikers (some might suggest "infested" when the subject turns to such things as baseball) in recent years because White Mountain hikers also have a popular alternative for discussions on the AMC site. We're all here one big happy family, cross pollinating or not, hiking wherever we can and whenever we can. I think you'll find a more proportionate response on the Trail Conditions ... except that harryk hasn't entered his reports yet from the Dark Side of the Moon.
Stan said:
VFTT has perhaps become highly populated by Adk hikers (some might suggest "infested" when the subject turns to such things as baseball) in recent years because White Mountain hikers also have a popular alternative for discussions on the AMC site. We're all here one big happy family, cross pollinating or not, hiking wherever we can and whenever we can. I think you'll find a more proportionate response on the Trail Conditions ... except that harryk hasn't entered his reports yet from the Dark Side of the Moon.

Harry's hiking outfit looks equally unsuited to all the ranges! Hiking anywhere is better than sitting, and playing golf (Shhh, don't tell my wife!).
We all have our favorites, and our conveniences! I have lived all my life (except for school) in Connecticut and New Jersey. I started hiking (leaving out trespassing as a kid) in the Whites almost 50 years ago! I only hiked there, and only 2-3 weeks most summers! I did some road biking at home! I was in terrible shape - didn't realize it at the time - but in retrospect - but I completed my 4Ks, including one 19 mile hike pre-dawn to dusk!
I partially retired 9 years ago, and for the first four years started hiking "at home" Harriman, New Jersey, etc! There is a lot to say for the trails around here, especially seeing how developed the area is and how expensive it is to preserve! At the end of those first 4 years, I realized what bad shape I had been in when I did the 4Ks!!! I also realized it's not that hard to improve - it's all in the will! For the past 4 years I've averaged over 2400 miles a year - in the Whites, in Harriman, in the Catskills, on railtrails and towpaths, on bushwhacks, on whatever gets me out there!
The Whites are my long time obsession! At least they are only 6 hours away - and I do vacations - 2-3 weeks up there! I will hike wherever there are trails - won't we all! we prefer this or that, but if there is a blaze, or a path (or no blaze and no path) we will follow! That's how we got here! I've found great trails to hike in Virginia Beach - hardly the Dacks or the Whites!
I apologize for the length, but not for the setiments expressed!

While I am geographically closer to the whites (southern ones anyway), I prefer the Adirondacks. I also climb in VT and I do get out the the whites at least 1x a year. I prefer the Adirondacks because I believe it is more remote, and has a wilder feel to it. Most of your hiking in the 'dax is going to be below treeline, and I really like the forest. I don't think you can match places like Avalanche Pass, or the Ausables for beauty.

My peaks:
24/46 4/48 3/5 0/2 0/12
You can see where my loyalties lie.

I don't think you can match places like Avalanche Pass, or the Ausables for beauty.

Hmm, have you ever been to Bondcliff? :)

Guess I really do have to visit the Adirondacks someday but I don't think I could ever hike out the Whites.