The Berlin Daily Sun
Mountaineer Falls To His Death On Mt. Adams
On Saturday, January 26, a group of seven climbers set out to summit Mt. Adams via King’s Ravine, when one of the climbers fell to his death. At approximately 1 p.m. Richard Gabrielle, 64, University Park, Texas, was near the top of what is known as the Great Gully in King’s Ravine when he lost his footing and slid down into the ravine. The ravine has a 67 degree slope. Richard Gabrielle travelled over 1,500 feet, and dropped vertically over 950 feet before coming to rest. He sustained significant injuries that killed him instantly.
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Sounds like maybe the ropes should have been in use - I think I would want a belay climbing Great Gully with iceEDIT: a more recent version of the report suggests that ropes were not in use and it was not a technical climbing accident--just an (unroped) hiker slipping on or above steep terrain.
I climbed Great Gully once and it was a pure snow climb (the route goes around the cliff/waterfall). However, the surface could have been crusty courtesy of the recent warm spell. (Such a crust might also lessen the adhesion of any newer snow and make avalanches more likely.)Sounds like maybe the ropes should have been in use - I think I would want a belay climbing Great Gully with ice
[oops - second-guessing again :-]
As usual nothing happens up North without Mike getting involved