Hiker Fatality in Rhode Island


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Jeez, I ran up near there a couple weeks ago. It was definitely very windy on Friday, was surprised we didn't lose power. RIP guy.
There are a LOT of dead trees in CT/MA/RI area along many of the trails I frequent. I think oak trees from that "infestation issue" of a few years ago (I forget the particulars if it was disease or beetles or whatever). Most pine forests in my yard and area are 75% dead trees and branches shear off with regularity. I really wanted to get out this weekend but I've learned to stay home on windy days.

Real bummer for that guy and his family. Totally sucks.
There are a LOT of dead trees in CT/MA/RI area along many of the trails I frequent. I think oak trees from that "infestation issue" of a few years ago (I forget the particulars if it was disease or beetles or whatever). Most pine forests in my yard and area are 75% dead trees and branches shear off with regularity.

Yeah there were three types of caterpillars that devasted a lot of trees...probably like ten years ago? Maybe a little less but a while ago. Yeesh, time flies. Anyway between all that standing dead and the really tall pines, yeah there's a lot of potential widowmakers in our woods.
Falling trees and limbs are one of my leading backcountry fears. Had several near misses. Worst was one that happened at night while my family slept in tent. I heard the huge limb cracking before it finally fell, but in my dreamlike state it didn't register as real. Landed only 5 feet from the tent. I had actually scanned the forest above and at last moment changed location before pitching the tent. Glad I did. Turned out the limb was rotten inside from insect damage. It was at Devil's Tower campground and the park service refunded the camping fee.

Other times, other places, nearby tree started falling and hit the ground within seconds.
There is a certain majesty to being alone in the forest and hearing a tree come crashing down...from a distance. Having a big limb crash down close enough to make the ground shake, not so much.

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