hiker found after 6 days,not by SAR,maybe by psychic


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Mar 8, 2005
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Here and there Avatar: Ice Ice Bab
The father and son who did find her may have been pointed in the right direction by a psychic (you never know).

Yeah, friend tells psychic that she runs everyday at a park near her house and psychic says you should check the park near her house, what was it called? Yeah, you should check there. I prefer cash.
An ankle injury and she couldn't hop or crawl 2 miles in 4 days? Aron Ralston she ain't!
An ankle injury and she couldn't hop or crawl 2 miles in 4 days? Aron Ralston she ain't!
The second report says: '"She said she couldn't move," he said. "When they found her there she was still stuck and wedged in there."'

If I were to choose a spot to get stuck, I'd choose one with drining water...

What struck me is that this is her second round of this in a very short period of time. Article says she got lost in the same park six weeks ago and was stuck overnight, but managed to get out the next day. Maybe it's time for her to stop going to that park alone?

Seriously, it's always hard to know the real situation from articles. I don't know what a "v-shaped trail" is; two articles differ on the story (1- she sought shelter in the ravine; 2 - she fell into the ravine); she was found on the trail vs. she was found off the trail, etc.. The latest article


even says she did not, in fact, have an ankle injury. So this story is very "liquid."

So we shouldn't criticize to harshly (Cory), nor should she be applauded for survival skills. Who knows what really happened.


I get the impression this story is changing as needed to satisfy the audience. Incontestable is that she shouldn't be out alone in that park after already pulling one overnight, and she should have told someone where she was going.

/opinion off/

Here's a look at the terrain:

http://www.redwoodhikes.com/Cowell/Big Ben.html
I am having a hard time with this story.
- If she was wedged and could not move, how did she retrieve the water?
-If she hiked/ran in the same area most every day, why didn't they look for her in that area first thing? Do you just wait for someone who goes into "rugged terrain" as frequently as she did to turn up in the mall when she is reported missing?
-I just watched Ralston cut off his arm and finished the book for the second time. He was not only wedged but crushed. Joe Simpson, Touching the Void, got himself out of a crevasse and crawled to safety, over horrific terrain,barely alive, with a shattered leg on Siula Grande. The last article stated her ankle was not injured.
-I don't think there is any mention that SAR had difficulty getting her out of the wedge position.
-A triathlete with no upper body strength? This makes no sense. Don't they swim for two miles?

We need a whole lot more information.
I am happy she is out of there but would like to know more detail about how and why this all went down the way it did. The story does appear to keep changing.
Perhaps we should ask the psychic for clarification!

Looks treacherous, I wonder if she had bug spray.

Correct, now it is saying she wasn't even injured. So it is getting even better.

This is not a case of high variables with winds, rotten snow, high water and the like where I completely agree on the speculation and not knowing the "true" story. Those are reasons I never get involved with those speculations.

This story from the start of the first article seems to be someone seeking attention more than anything. It seems more likely she has issues and her first overnight caused her to draw attention and lead to this drama.
Moderator Note
Folks, this is not a forum to bash people. If you would like to contribute to the discussion, feel free to do so with a bit more civility. I've deleted some ranting, feel free to add additional discussion.
This story from the start of the first article seems to be someone seeking attention more than anything. It seems more likely she has issues and her first overnight caused her to draw attention and lead to this drama.
Wonder if she planned this as a survival exercise to see how long it would be before somebody came by. Or maybe she just wanted publicity - it would be interesting if somebody comes forth who hiked that trail Thursday and didn't see her.

Mod - sorry if you consider this "bashing".