hiking 12/27-12/29 in Maine


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Ray Marcotte

New member
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
Hello all,

I'm still working on the New England Hundred List. All the peaks that I have left are in Maine. Anyone interested in doing some Winter hiking in Maine? The only peaks I've done in Maine are the following: Katahdin (Baxter Peak), the Crockers, Old Speck, Goose Eye, & Baldpate. So, I'm looking to do any peaks besides the ones I just mentioned.

I'd like to travel to Stratton on Monday, Dec. 27th, and hike up the South Horn of Bigelow via the AT on Tuesday, Dec. 28th. This is a 11.8 mile roundtrip hike. Then go up both Avery Peak and West Peak of the Bigelows on Wednesday, Dec. 29th via the Strafford Brook Trail and the AT. This is a 11 mile roundtrip hike.

I'm also open to other suggestions. Has anyone been on East Flagstaff Road in the Winter? I'm wondering if it's plowed this time of year? I'm not interested in Winter camping, so my preference would be staying at some cheap motel. I'm not looking for a date; I'm happily married. : )

If you're interested, but would rather attempt other mountains, please let me know. I'm just trying to be good and not hike alone in the Winter. We could carpool. I live in Lebanon,NH.

(603) 448-1138