Hiking any of the 6-pack this weekend?


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Jan 20, 2004
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Vernon, VT avatar: Old Goat
The recent trails broken out, by some of the GREATEST :p , will most likely get dumped on Friday!?

Wondering if anyone is thinking of trying for any of these this coming

May be headed up tomorrow, as Donna is doing Rangeley 50K XC Ski Race Saturday. I hope to try for...something :confused:

Been trying to do them solo but...don't know if I'll live that long :eek:
Marchowes and I will be doing East Kennebago on Sunday if you or anybody else is ineterested.
There will be new snow though, although nothing compared to before. We're planning on bringing skis for a quicker trip.
You could still do them solo... check the new snow accumulation totals for the local area. I doubt 6-8 inches of new stuff would significantly slow you down.

COP Snow, E Kennebago, and N Kennebago/White Cap should be relatively straightforward to follow - although you might want to get beta from Frodo et al just to be sure.

Boundary Peak shouldn't be too bad if you parked at CMP DAM Rd on the Canada/Cyclone Logging Rd then walked 1/2 mile down the road to the logging road we took uphill. The trickiest part will be crossing Dennison bog where it was all hardpack and we didn't leave a trail. Basically you want to go as far west across the bog as you can toward the swath and look for where we headed back into the woods. Its not as hard to follow as it sounds, but it will be a 15 mile hike. Even with new snow, there was enough of a trough formed that you will see where we went.

DocRoss has GPS tracks to follow on his webshots site. I don't recommend you follow our COP Snow track unless you want to finish the bushwhack through unbroken thigh-deep snow to the fire warden's trail. Too bad we didn't make it, as it would have been a significantly shorter route!