Three days and counting to next Xray and hopefully a release to put weight on it. I got snowblowing my 250 foot long driveway down, just put on plenty of warm clothes and mittens to keep my fingers warm to compensate for the extended time it takes. I also have been reloading my wood supply from outside stacks to my bulkhead and keeping the daily indoor wood boiler runs on track (I expect tomorrow will require and extra run).
I have been researching plate removal. Lots of differing opinions on if and when to remove. For older sedentary folks its a non issue, leave it in unless its painful. For active individuals, its less clear. Ankle plates are higher likelihood of irritation from hardware. I can feel the top of my plate and the top most fastener quite easily through the skin. Internal irritation can pop up when least wanted, like a backpacking trip. I need to investigate a lateral ankle brace and it needs to clear the hardware or it is a potential source of irritation. Some docs advise early removal in 6 months, others 1 year. Both cases, its 4 weeks immobilization for the scars to heal. Unlike Terminator, the hardware is there to keep the bones together while healing, rather than acting as long term substitution of a bone like a knee or hip. The longer the wait, the harder the hardware may be to take out as bone can try to bond to the fasteners and plate. Generally, folks waiting more than year can have more complications during and after surgery as the hardware removal can be more difficult (larger scars and bones growing into hardware. Most removals after a year are due to a result of inflammation issues which usually get better post removal but not all the time. The other aspect is removal may be classified as elective surgery by default unless doctor can make a case for it.