Hiking in the rain?


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Do you hike in the rain?

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I don't mind hiking in the rain. That's why we have raingear. If it's raining and very windy, or a freezing rain, I like it a little less. If it doesn't look too bad, we'll often take a chance, as the weather can be fickle. If it looks like a washout, we won't intentionally hike in it (always other days). If we're on a backpack trip and you've got to be at a certain point by a certain time, what can you do but hike. I don't get the holing up in a tent thing, unless it's truly not safe to hike for some reason. And I'd rather hike in rain than in brutal heat.
Can't trust those weather forecasters... every time I stay home because of an iffy forecast, it seems to ultimately be a beautiful day. Life's too short and hiking's too much fun to not make the attempt to go whenever possible!
I guess I am the third weenie. I do not mind hiking in a rain but when you go on a hike and should of brought a kayak, it might be raining a little to much.
Leaving the car on a day when it is cool and raining hard is tough. Hiking when the rain starts while you are hiking is pretty much matter of fact, what can you do?

If my heart is set on getting out, rain or not so be it.
Of course I hike in the rain.

Not by choice (preference), although hiking in a warmish summer drizzle or light or even moderate rain can be an outright pleasant thing if it comes as a break from oppressive heat and humidity. Much depends on the quality of footing in such cases. Brief downpours can be entertaining. I sing in the rain sometimes, and often laugh.

But spare me sustained, soaking deluges of cold rain, which can bring on real discomfort, even on a warm day. And spare me high winds and/or dazzling electrical shows accompanying the rain, which invariably bring on unease.

Rain with air temps in the 40s or 30s can be outright hazardous and so is very challenging. No hikes, short (brief) hikes or necessity hikes only in such conditions works for me.

I voted “not another poll!” But that didn’t keep me from responding, did it? Call me “conflicted.”

Choosing between rain or no rain, blue skies or leaden ones is a no-brainer.
I've done my share of both and I prefer no rain. I mean, who prefers hiking in the rain? A gentle summer shower is charming but I'd still rather hike in dry weather.
My favourite rain gear: shorts, peaked hat. Remember skin is waterproof, and it breathes!
(Caveat: my rain gear is not recommended for Mt. Washington in April.)
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It's not the rain...

but winds >50 mph and/or temps <50 F with rain make me want to stay in. Dealt with hypothermia once, not fun. Rain and temps in the 60s-70s is actually very nice to hike in.

Edit: Never mind, everyone else already said the same thing.
Sometimes the rain makes the entire forest have a new feel. Everything is bright green, water is everywhere, and it feels dark and uncertain. I too save those days for hidden ponds or streams. -Mattl
I am always prepared for rain but will avoid starting a hike in the rain (unless clear weather is promised). I am more attentive to the risk of hypothermia from early Spring rains than I am from cold temperatures in Winter (just put on an extra layer). I find footing is far more unpredictable from wet rock then winter trail. You can see changes in trail surfaces in the Winter but it is far more difficult top predict slippery rock when the trail is wet. I tend to neglect water/fuel in the rain (it is just not pleasant stopping). View tend to be limited/nonexistent. Wet glasses makes vision often less than desirable. Yea....I am not a fan of hiking in the rain.
The rain is all part of it. I spent 2 days last year in Baxter in continuous downpours. 25 miles of sloshing feet. All I missed out on was the views :)
Some of my most favorite hikes have been in the rain.

One word: waterfalls.

Just got back from a great hike/overnight in the rain. Details to follow...
Baxter in the rain?

dRitter said:
I spent 2 days last year in Baxter in continuous downpours. 25 miles of sloshing feet. All I missed out on was the views :)

Could have been Columbus Day weekend - were you there too? Long live Big and Little Niagra (how they spell it) Falls! Foss and Knowlton Pond was also a gas in those conditions, and if you get even a small break in the clouds there are great views to the near NE of O-J-I, Coe, the Brothers, etc. After a few hours of that, the Daicey Pond "Library", with its blazing woodstove, was very Heaven.
I stay inside when i rains. I am scared I might melt if I get wet...... =P
Some of my most favorite hikes have been in the rain.
I was chased off Angel's Landing (Zion Ntl Pk) by a squall line and had to wait out a short (~1hr) but heavy rain and hail in an alcove along Walter's Wiggles (switchbacks down one wall of Refrigerator Canyon, just below Scout landing). It was spectacular--the entire wall in front of us erupted in waterfalls. People who had been down on the valley floor said that the canyon walls were laced with waterfalls.

On the other hand, several people were washed off the trail to the viewpoint just above the Great Arch when they tried to cross a flash-flooded narrow gully rather than wait it out. One killed.

While I generally prefer drier weather (in the NE or the desert...), it can be nice.

I used to hike all the time in the rain. Then finally decided "why," when there are more, pleasant days to go hiking. Getting wet and cold isn't too much fun for me! Brilliant sunshine, clear blue skies, crystal views sounds Sooo Much more appealling.
depends - but typically no, I simply don't enjoy being wet and find it hard to keep my spirits and motivation up when wet on a hike, so on weekends like this - I avoid them.

its one thing to deal with passing showers, light rain etc, I don't willingly hike in rains like this weekend - no fun in my book.