Hiking or climbing in Colorado in June Climb a 14 k peak and more


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Feb 1, 2005
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Avatar. The Maroon Bells . I live In NH and Near
I am going toi be near Aspen Colorado from June 21 - 28 . iio am palnniong some solo climbes biut would not mind some one else along for a few days also i knowte area and can help with suggesating a solo hke or a place to go. .
Please send a PM for details I am not comfortbe posting this in public , if you would like ot hike in CO climb a 14 ,000 ft peak and see some more on your own . I have plans to vist family so i do have to spend some time doing my own stuff.
But As i said I know of lots of great places to go . Examples Black Canyon of the Gunnison MT Massive , And more .
When I hiked in CO last summer, I had Donna from VFTT join me for 6 days and we climbed 5 of the 14ers. Given my comfort level with hiking solo, I wouldn't hesitate, particularly on a weekend day to climb solo on a couple of those hikes as long as you are aware of your limits, keep a close eye on how your body is feeling and be ready to turn around at the possibility of bad weather or health issues. That being said, my FAVORITE of the 5 that I hiked was Handies, near Lake City, about an hour or so South of Gunnison. My second favorite was Mt. Massive and then Belford and Oxford, followed by Elbert. I can give you details on any of those if you'd like. Unfortunately, June is not a good time for me though I will be heading to Colorado in August and hiking atleast 1-3 more of the 14ers. Have fun and be safe . . . .

Send me an email if you'd like any more specifics.

sli74 said:
When I hiked in CO last summer, I had Donna from VFTT join me for 6 days and we climbed 5 of the 14ers. Given my comfort level with hiking solo, I wouldn't hesitate, particularly on a weekend day to climb solo on a couple of those hikes as long as you are aware of your limits, keep a close eye on how your body is feeling and be ready to turn around at the possibility of bad weather or health issues. That being said, my FAVORITE of the 5 that I hiked was Handies, near Lake City, about an hour or so South of Gunnison. My second favorite was Mt. Massive and then Belford and Oxford, followed by Elbert. I can give you details on any of those if you'd like. Unfortunately, June is not a good time for me though I will be heading to Colorado in August and hiking atleast 1-3 more of the 14ers. Have fun and be safe . . . .

Send me an email if you'd like any more specifics.


Thanks for the reply , I actually spend every June in the area around Aspen. Two of my favorites are Pyramid Peak and The Maroon Bells. The Views are incredible. I was hoping to find some one to join me on a few hikes .On one climb I Will be Slowlly making My Way Up bellcord Coulior , a 1,800 ft long 45 - 60 degree snow all above 12,000 ft so you really feel the altitude . slope It is one of the most spectaular climbs I have ever done. Ian also can send Info on Peaks in the Elk range as I have climbed all the 14 ,000 ft peaks in the Elks . I just keep going back I fell in love with the area . . Actaully i would love to spend more time in the San Juans I am looking for a new hikng partner for that though.
I usually start hiking around 3 or 4 AM to avoid being above treeline in the Afternoon . Elbert was the frist 14,000ft peak I climbed farily easy but I got sunbrunt I now know to use lots of sunblock .
I would have love to have a great cook along .
Where are you headed in August? Have fun and be safe too !