Hiking records


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Mohamed Ellozy

Well-known member
VFTT Supporter
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Brookline, MA
I have recently received two inquiries about the fastest hut traverse, but alas have no information. Does anyone have any? Also curious about Mahoosuc traverse record.

Does anyone keep track of these things? I would love to put them on my site. I am working on a page on the earliest hut traverses from Appalachia but need recent information.

Any other "big" hikes for which records exist?

I have the Hut to Hut traverse at 49.5 miles with 15,650 ft of elevation gain. but I'd be interested in seeing how it compares to stinkyfeet's number. she's done it and i haven't. yet. maybe.


Historically the concept of a hut traverse has been variable. The earliest traversers all considered Pinkham to be a "Hut", after all it was the capital of Joe Dodge's empire! Many later traversers have left it out. And of course some traversers did it the hard way, going over all the peaks, while others bypassed them. So you have at least four possibilities:
  • Pinkham yes, peaks yes
  • Pinkham yes, peaks no
  • Pinkham no, peaks yes
  • Pinkham no, peaks no

Do you have any information on records for the Pemi Loop or any other big hikes?
Mohamed Ellozy said:
Historically the concept of a hut traverse has been variable. The earliest traversers all considered Pinkham to be a "Hut", after all it was the capital of Joe Dodge's empire! Many later traversers have left it out.
Note that at the time of the Goetz article in Appalachia there wasn't yet a hut at Mizpah so those people saved maybe 15 minutes by going straight down Crawford Path. And Lonesome Lake Hut used to be on the near shore saving another few minutes. The Goetz article also gives a baseline time for the Mahoosucs.

And I'm not sure if anybody ever did the 1954 hut traverse: http://www.vftt.org/forums/attachment.php3?s=&postid=22090
Very much a matter of definition, cutting out Madison dramatically changes the nature of the trip. I believe that Tim called it the "Open Huts Traverse", even though he passed by Galehead and Greenleaf huts.
Not to quibble, but the amount of time it would take to touch Galehead and Greenleaf would add only a few minutes at most. That is why it is called the "Open" hut traverse :)

If someone would care to take on the SOLO record, I would only ask that they do it ALONE, as not having a trail breaking partner significantly adds to the challenge.
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