Hiking the AT in a single day


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Quite a concept, there is a boy scout group looking at organizing a similiar feat but I dont know how far they are along in planning.

Do note that depressingly, the longest stretch of the AT with no public or private road crossings north of SNP is the Mahoosucs. The 100 mile wilderness unfortunately has quite a few private roads that could cut it up into day hikes. Some of the roads are abandoned, but the access is close enough to hike up the old roads and intersect with trail for a long day hike. With the exception of the smokies, the AT down south is very accessible with a Delorme guide and a GPS (it was part of our strategy for section hiking). So if you find enough dayhikers, no need for trailrunners.

I believe that there is a trail guide published that gives directions on how to day hike the AT. About three years ago, a husband and wife did the entire AT as day hikes with only two overnights (one was Galehead).
I believe that there is a trail guide published that gives directions on how to day hike the AT. About three years ago, a husband and wife did the entire AT as day hikes with only two overnights (one was Galehead).
There was an article in the ATC magazine, their longest dayhike was ~26 miles in the Smokies on good trails.

Next longest was Glastenbury where they didn't do proper research and thought there were no break points, then met ranger who came in a side trail. They had a 4wd and rented a 2nd to spot, had no issues with 100 Mile Wilderness or Mahoosucs.
We've got 80% coverage right now, the majority of the remaining sections are way down south. I think we have all of New England covered. I'm the "section chief" for the stretch from Kinsman Notch to Rt 2 in Gorham, and we're still juggling a few of the legs. If anyone wants to join in, please let me know.

I'm doing the section from Skookumchuck to 93, or vice versa, not sure which direction I'm heading yet. But as I said some of the legs are still in a bit of flux.

Yes, the extended Dartmouth Community (meaning pretty much anyone who wants to come hike with us :) ) is welcome.

You're right, there are a handful of sections still open in Maine, VT, and CT. I think there's one in PA as well, plus lots down south. If anyone wants I can supply info on the gaps that need to be filled. Contact me via PM for details if you're interested in joining the fun.

For a reasonable fee plus expenses, of course, I'd be willing to hike one of the unclaimed southern sections. Have an official representative of the DOC PM me if this opportunity is something they'd be interested in pursuing.