hiking with little ones


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The Sikes

Sep 16, 2003
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New Boston NH
Anyone out there hiking with their young one and want company? I have a 3 year old who I have been taking out for short hikes. He loves it and probably would like it more if he had company more around his age level.
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We have a six and ten year old - and I can borrow a two year old... Send a pm is you'd like to get together for a hike.
Ooooh, us! Our daughter turns three in November and while she loves being outdoors/hiking (we still carry her most of the time, but she is hiking more on her own now), we keep saying how we'd like to arrange hikes with other kids.

Where do you hike most of the time? We live in the Hudson Valley and most of our hiking is around here, the Taconics, or the Catskills (but we do like to take weekend trips to the Adirondacks and an occasional longer weekend in NH).

ETA: I typed too soon - I saw your location is NH. As much as we love it there, it's just a longer drive for us and we don't get there too often. But if we're ever that way - would love to arrange a hike!
We've got a 2.5 and 4 year old (both boys) we'd love to get out hiking with! We've brought them out on a few local trails and the like and after like 10 minutes they usually start asking to be picked up! But we'd be game to see if having a buddy with them would help them enjoy it more! Send a message if you'd like to try some weekend before the weather starts going bad!
We've got a 2.5 and 4 year old (both boys) we'd love to get out hiking with! We've brought them out on a few local trails and the like and after like 10 minutes they usually start asking to be picked up! But we'd be game to see if having a buddy with them would help them enjoy it more! Send a message if you'd like to try some weekend before the weather starts going bad!
Laurie's grand kids were the same way. They whined that they need to be carried. Sometimes I would, but sometimes I told them that they had to walk, just a little further. Or we would just take a short break.

It also helps to have goals, like a fire tower or a lean-to, or a killer view so they stay motivated. Or just ice cream! :)
I'll be asking this same question next summer, after my granddaugther turns three!
re little ones

I know how that can go but I usually put a front pack filled with crackers or something they like and I always have a "special treat" for the top. It's usually a lolly pop or something. I remember the first time my other 2 did the Bonds. We were ontop of Bond at sunset enjoying the evening when I pulled out a snicker bar. It was the first time in their life they had that. I felt guilty because I was giving them junk (I have a terrible chocolate habit) but I know they remember that day like it was yesterday.

I also know sometimes it doesn't always go the way I want. When Beth was 4, we were doing Monadnock. We had done Pack Monadnock the day before and I didn't know how it would go. Half way up she wanted to stop and play in the dirt. (I think she wanted to go down...) I said sure. We sat for 1/2 hour playing and then she stood up and said, "Let's go see Adam at the top." and off we went.

The key is to make it fun, know when they are playing you and when they really are tired and be flexible. I think we can have great fun out there. We have been trying to do Uncanoonuc daily but it doesn't always work out. He gets to pick the trail we do and we drag my husband kicking and screaming along. He always asks for his special treat when we get to the top. I think it's funny.
Neil had a cute story about chocholate flowing under the mountain and coming out on top or something like that. Maybe he will share it again.

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