I'm thinking you should tackle this list in the meantime. I'll join you every slurp of the way.
I wholeheartedly agree. Perhaps I'll post an open call for next week...
Some good news on the hip front. On Monday I met with my orthopedist down in Nashua, and she informed me that my labral tear is quite small. Although the tear will most likely never heal on its own, she said that given its size it is possible that the injury will become asymptomatic with time. More importantly for me, I was also given the go ahead to start exercising again! Low impact at first (elliptical, bike, etc.), with an eventual build up to full activity as the pain subsides.
I just got back from the gym, where I was able to do 30 minutes on the elliptical followed by 20 on the arc trainer with next to no pain. While running is still completely out of the question, each and every day I'm noticing improvement in my hip. Walking is almost pain free for me now, and my joint flexibility is steadily returning. It's an absolutely fantastic feeling, and I must admit I'm quite surprised (and even slightly confused) by the rapid progress.
That being said, I am still eager to meet with the doctor down in Boston next week. Unfortunately there was a glitch with my MGH appointment (they called me and said I'd have to reschedule for December at the
)... but I was able to find a very well-regarded doctor down at Brigham and Women's who will be able to see me on the 22nd. I'm hopeful that he will be able to provide more insight into my injury. At this point, I am willing to undergo some additional recovery time if it might mean holding off on surgery. We shall see.
Thank you again to all of you for your kind messages and words of advice and encouragement. I can't even begin to express how much it means to me to be surrounded by such wonderful people.
If any of you are up for a small hike this weekend, please let me know. I don't think my hip is ready to tackle a 4,000 footer quite yet, but I'd love to get out and explore some flat, pretty trails if any of you have recommendations.