Hogan Road Closure


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Dec 31, 2004
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Quoted from FB Page "Cross New Hampshire Adventure Trail"

Hogan Road is now officially closed for a month for the bridge and culvert replacements and road washout repairs. Already, the huge puddle issues at the eastern end have been repaired. The detour will be on Route 2 between the big parking lot at the west end of Gorham and North Road in Shelburne. More info on the xNHAT website on the Trail Conditions page. So sorry that you won’t be able to enjoy dear Hogan Road’s adventures. The repairs are really needed, so we are really appreciative of the work being done by Eversource to fix the eastern part of road for their power company trucks to access the dams and power lines, and for us to enjoy this scenic road.
May be an image of road and text that says 'BIKE LANE CLOSED AHEAD U'
This is a relatively popular area so thought I would give folks a heads up. Probably a bit of an inconvenience for awhile
But definitely a big improvement for the long haul.
More than few Cross NH trail riders take the unofficial alternative route into Gorham via the multilodal path that takes off from the parking area on RT 2 to visit Maine Street and the Brew Pub and then brave RT 2 to North Road and then back to official Cross NH trail. That cuts out the dusty section shared with the ATV route and the Hogan Road which is decidely the bumpiest section of the trail.