Holy Visibility, Batman!


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Well-known member
Feb 1, 2005
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Waltham, Mass.
Saturday was an incredibly clear sky...

It may look greyish in the photo, because you're looking almost 70 miles away: downtown Boston from the summit of Grand Monadnock!

Not only was Boston clear from Monadnock on Saturday but Washington and Lafayette were visible also and that's a about 150 and 100 miles respectively.

I have seen them from pack monadnock but never Grand Monadnock but you do spend a lot more time there than I kerry
I was lucky enough a few years ago in April, on separate days, to see both Washington and Boston from Blue Job and Kearsarge...and yes yesterday was great from Mt. Webster one can see the wind tower project in Northern NH easily...is it ugly on the view???
Didn't think to look for the Rockpile, probably didn't catch it accidentally in photos (I only hauled out the big lens for the Boston shot) but I'll check. We did see a line of towers that I assume were wind turbines, roughly north, but they didn't seem all that far away.
We did see a line of towers that I assume were wind turbines, roughly north, but they didn't seem all that far away.

Those are most likely the turbines in Lempster. They are visible from most of the taller hills in the area. I have clearly seen Mt. Washington and the Franconia Range from Monadnock and S. Pack.
Here is a link to HardyB, VFTTer and resident photographer, photos from last Saturday's hike. I had forgotten my camera so he took all the photos. Towards the end are the photos of Lafayette, Washington, Boston Skyline and the Lempster Wind Turbines, all clearly visible. It is getting to that time of year when the occasional glimpse of Washington and Franconia Ridge is possible. I might catch a glimpse 6-10 times a year, now a days.

Not only was Boston clear from Monadnock on Saturday but Washington and Lafayette were visible also and that's a about 150 and 100 miles respectively.

Just for yuks I looked this up. According to Gmap Pedometer, as the crow flies, Lafayette is 93 miles away and Washington is 105 from Monadnock.
I was lucky enough a few years ago in April, on separate days, to see both Washington and Boston from Blue Job and Kearsarge...and yes yesterday was great from Mt. Webster one can see the wind tower project in Northern NH easily...is it ugly on the view???

You think they are ugly from afar you should see them up close and personal. This weekend I whacked the Whitcombs in Nash Stream with my friends Mike, Greg and Marc Howes. They are gigantic and ugly as sin, and Marc told me that when they are going the rumble that come from them sounds like an industrial factory running 24/7. They are on a scale larger than the ones on Lempster, and when I was in Pillsbury State park a couple years ago even from across the street you could hear the "whump whump whump" of the blades spinning. Marc said the sounds of the much larger northern turbines is much much worse.

I am all for finding and developing technology that helps reduce our dependence on foreign oil, but ONLY if it is not at the cost of other important factors, like scenery and cost. To me the benefits HAVE to outweigh the negatives. These things don't fit that at all for me. The summits are clearcut, roads snake up them, industrial machinery dot the landscape along those roads and clearcuts, and then you have the quiet of the woods interrupted by the low level drone of the turbines. Sad really......

Here's a picture of the wind turbines on Owlhead and Kelsey which are located in northern NH in the town of Millsfield. The picture was taken from Signal Mountain, about five miles away. This shows 14 of the 33 turbines that are running along Fish Brook Ridge, Owlhead and Kelsey Mountains.

Soon, as we drive up 93 to the Whites, we'll all be able to enjoy looking at 24 wind turbines on Tenney and Fletcher Mountains just west of Plymouth, N.H.
