Hopkins and attempt for Giant


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Date of Hike: January 17th, 2009

Route followed : Mossy Cascade Trail (51) from Rt. 73 near St. Huberts, trail to Hopkins (52) and then to Giant-Green col; first section of trail to Giant (111), and then back to Rt. 73.

Trail conditions : Mossy Cascade Trail (51) and trail to Giant-Green col (52) are very well broken. Below 2500’, there’s not that much snow so the trail surface is hard packed. Final ascent to Hopkins now broken (snow cover was about 3 in. thick). Trail to Giant broken by one hiker up and down for about a third of a mile (up to 3600’). Past turning point, trail unbroken (about one foot of powder).

Special Equipment Required: snowshoes and warm clothes are essential, hiking poles useful, crampons not required.

Comments: Trail between Rt. 73 and lean-to near Giant-Green col is in perfect condition. It was my very first visit there and I was surprised to find it very well broken. Apparently, a bunch of guys went there for winter camping. Since it was late and one of our group had unexpectedly turned around near the junction at Giant-Green col, we decided not to climb Giant and complete the projected loop over trails 51, 52, 111 and 47. Nevertheless, I left my two partners at the col and decided to break the trail to Giant for a while (“pour l’honneur”). I climbed the steep trail through about 1 foot of fresh powder and I gained an additional 500 feet of elevation (my altimeter indicated 3600’) when I finally decided to turn around. So I would say that about a third of the distance toward the summit is now broken from the col. This country is really beautiful and we enjoyed our hike very much.

Posted by: High-Clearance