Hough (Dix Range) April 24-25


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ALGonquin Bob

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Sep 5, 2003
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Macomb & Hough (Dix Range) April 24-25

I missed this one when I hiked the Dixes last summer. The path up the Bouquet may be too wet that weekend, so I guess I'll try it from Elk Lake via Macomb. Probably one night at the lean-to. I hike slow, but can go all day when necessary. This will actually cover 3 peaks: Macomb, South Dix (Carson), and Hough.
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I'm planning to try Hough and Carson

I'm planning to try Hough and Carson on the 24th from Elk Lake as a day hike. Maybe we can meet up. I'll be out of town on business until Thursday night and will check in then. This will be my third shot at these 2. First attempt October 2003 via the Bouquet - made Grace Pk but early snow and ice made me abandon the other 2. 2nd attempt via Elk Lake - March 2004 skied in past the first lean-to and then snowshoed to Lillian Brook and up the Brook. Spruce traps and blowdown slowed the pace to a crawl and I turned around .9 mi from Hough summit. I plan on going over Macomb this time, I'm running out of routes to strike out on!! These are #44 and 45 for me.

Ed, you're not climbing those pointy mountains over there are you?? I'll be going over there in a year or so... take good notes. I was in Paris last week and couldn't bring myself to climb the Eiffel Tower... but we did climb up to the top dome of Sacre Cour, an old church on top of the Montmontre hill. I tried for a good shot of me with my VFTT hat on with Paris and the E-tower behind. I thought it might make a good avatar, but it didn't turn out sharp enough (a bit dark and the background was a bit overcast and not clear in the picture). Anyway a good thought... a real VFTT!! Travel safely.
Hi Bubba,

I feel sorry for Bob, he started this thread for his climb and here we are trading travel stories. You should have let me know about the Paris trip. I go there every year, as well as Germany to visit family. I could share many notes, even the notes from the top of the tower! See you around.

Um Hello?! Remember me? OK guys, thanks for the conversation.

KZ, it sounds like a plan. I'll drag my pack into the lean-to so I can stay there after the climb. I was up Macomb, Carson and Grace in August, so we can just do a detour over to Hough this time.
Hey Bob,

Watch out for that KZ guy that you're climbing with. I hear he likes to toss dogs and people over ice cliffs!

:D ;)

You guys have fun over there. I'll wave from the Santanonis as I try for Couchie again this Saturday April 24th.



ADK4487: You should be ashamed of yourself living in Lewiston and being a Packers fan. I hope you have a good explanation for not be a Bills fan! And don't even say it's about the Superbowl stuff! :p
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Good Luck Fred

Let's hope we are both left with Allen to finish our 46 after this weekend!!!!!

Bring a snorkle for the Bradley Pond Trail!

Well - AlG & I made it!!

It wasn't easy but we made it. To quote AlG

"I was up Macomb, Carson and Grace in August, so we can just do a detour over to Hough this time."

The route from Carson to Hough was much longer than it seems. The route over "Pough" and the false summits made the summit look farther away the closer you get. The climb back up and over Macomb seemed to take forever.

Since I was not staying overnight, I had to push on so I could get back to the car at a reasonable hour. As it was I reached the car at 9PM.
Hey DeadFred,

One thing you can say bout me is that I am dedicated for life. I grew up just south of Green Bay and football is in our blood. A turn-coat I will never be!


Good for you man! Loyalty to your team is a most admirable trait. I feel the same way about the Bills as one who grew up in Buffalo. Hopefully we'll win one of Coach Lombardi's trophies one of these years, too!