How awful was this winter ...

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Ahh lets see.Able to cut at least a cord and half of firewood and haul it out from woods because of no snow on logging roads!Maybe 6 days of decent sledding all winter.Lots of brush not burned off.Very bad winter.Big time winter of my discontent.Feel free anyone else to chirp in here.I can not be alone.:(
Being able to basically snowshoe out my back door in southern CT was amazing last winter. This winter was 180º in the other direction. :( It bit the big one.
I guess it just depends on your point of view.

It was great for peakbagging, and last I checked this was a peakbagging kind of place! :rolleyes:

Also, it was great for anyone who had to pay heating bills...
I guess it just depends on your point of view.

It was great for peakbagging, and last I checked this was a peakbagging kind of place! :rolleyes:

Also, it was great for anyone who had to pay heating bills...

True enough, but some prefer winter with a capital W. The winters of lore with snow halfway up the door!:D
What Tom said :D I usually put my Microspikes away for the winter. This year I wore them down to nubs.

Yes, what Tom said. Heating bills were low, did not worry about roof collapse (big worry in past years.) No trouble getting to trailheads or driving up roads that were closed in years past. I bagged more peaks this winter than ever B4. What it all means in the big picture on climate change could be a bit disconcerting.