How far have you walked?

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How many miles have you hiked in your life?

  • Under 500

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • 500-1000

    Votes: 18 28.1%
  • 1000-2000

    Votes: 8 12.5%
  • 2000-5000

    Votes: 16 25.0%
  • 5000+

    Votes: 20 31.3%

  • Total voters


New member
Apr 29, 2005
Reaction score
Canterbury, NH
I was thinking of this while descending the Moats last week; how many miles have I hiked in my life? I tossed the numbers around in my mind and guesstimated about 1200 miles, figuring that I was a once-a-month hiker from 1995-2000 and a three-times-a-month hiker since Y2K. (I'm a three season hiker).

I wondered where this would rank me among the regulars on this board (probably in a lower tier) and if anyone out there had reached the 5000 mile mark? Maybe even 10000 miles?

How many miles have you hiked in your life?
I'm not sure. But I would venture to say I've hiked a plethora of pinatas... I mean, miles.
I voted for the 500-1000 miles of hiking. Weekends, hiking trips... I've biked over 20k miles so far over the lifetime so far.

I have been pretty into this hiking thing for the past two years - in that time I have tracked this stuff and I have hiked over 500 miles (over 300 in 2005.)
I am a 4-season hiker and right now I can hike twice a month - I tend to do 9-12 miles on most hikes - occasionally more, occasionally less. I am trying to figure out a way I can hike 5 days and work 2 days... :D

A lot of people here hike those kinds of numbers, but have been doing it for a lot more years than me.
In 30+ years of once or twice a week hiking from June to Sept, plus several multi-day backpacks per summer, and once or no hiking a week for the rest of the year, I checked 2000-5000 but it may well be 5000+. No single day's hike was longer than 25 miles.
I voted 5000+ figuring I now get close to 800 a year. Not that I keep track or anything.

I'm 50 and started when I was 19 or 20. Even during my young parenting years I got out for an annual winter camping trip in order to keep racking up those miles. I must have been subconciously aware that one day I would be responding to a poll on an internet forum.

If I counted my thrice weekly 6 mile loops at lunch over Mt. Royal that I've been doing for years then my numbers would go way up.
I honestly have no idea. I’ve been doing some form of hiking since the age of 2. I wouldn’t know where to begin the tabulation.
I voted 2000-5000 because I started hiking in August of 1993 and hiked maybe a 100 miles a year or so until 1999 at which time I began logging between 300-500 miles a year till about 2002, when the number of miles are closer to 500-750 because I took up winter hiking in 2002 and in 2004, I hiked well over a 1000 miles and am now back to between 500-800 a year.

So I would guess, I am very close to the 5000 miles mark but I am terrible at keeping track of miles and elevation gain etc but I could probably figure that syuff out since I do keep vague track of the hikes I do . . .

great question though, will be interesting to ask myself that question years from now.

No wonder I need new boots!

I think I have probably done just over 1000 miles since I started to seriously get into hiking in Y2K. Since that time I have been averaging about 200 miles a year over 4 seasons.

An average year is about 150 miles, a good year is over 200 & a great year is over 250. 1995 - 1998 were great trail years, 1994, 2004, 2005, 2006 have been good 1999 - 2002 were average & 92, 93 & 2003 were below average so I'd say 2000 - 5000 & if I had to guess, around 2400.
For the 15yrs from 1991 to 2005 inclusive, average per year = 832 miles in 80 days yielding just over 12,000 miles.
For 1986 to 1990, the averages were higher but I don't have the records.
For 1977 to 1985 was much less
First half of 2006 total is 325 miles in 29 days, but haven't done a summer hiking vacation yet.

So my life total for hiking (no general walking included) is probably about 18,000 miles.
18,000 miles wow, almost once around the planet! In my 30+ years of hiking the Whites, I've missed a few months while building my home here 23 years ago. So on a average 10 mile hike, 2 or 3 times a week, with missing a few, let's round it to a low of 800 miles each year. Never even thought about it until now. I've tender knees but better with much thanks to Glucosamine. Great thread!
John H Swanson said:
For the 15yrs from 1991 to 2005 inclusive, average per year = 832 miles in 80 days yielding just over 12,000 miles.
For 1986 to 1990, the averages were higher but I don't have the records.
For 1977 to 1985 was much less
First half of 2006 total is 325 miles in 29 days, but haven't done a summer hiking vacation yet.

So my life total for hiking (no general walking included) is probably about 18,000 miles.
John, I was out in the Catskills with Dr. Mike Kudish and I mentioned a few super hikers like you and Eric S., who have done all the Catskill peaks (plus many more). He asked me if you kept any notes on forest conditions (plant species, trees, etc.) over the years. Anything you can forward to him would be valuable to him.
I began regular hiking in 1995 as a result of some health issues. The first years I averaged around 4-500 miles per year, and that has increased to 8-900 miles/year. Currently, my log shows 7,777 miles. Interesting number -
I had to go with the 2000-5000mi category. 'Course, I'm young yet (started keepin' track in '01) so there ain't no tellin' how far I'll make it 'fore the wheels fall off! :D

Rest assured, long as I'm awalkin', I'm ahikin'. :)
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Mark Schaefer said:
Et tu, Brutus. Kevin, Just curious. Do you have stats for your famous hiking partner? And do we then need a conversion factor for stride length? ;)

I have not been able to accurately estimate my own count, but probably in 2000-5000 mile range.
Mark - I checked my log re: Brutus. His first hike with me was Camels Hump, October 24, 2001. His milage count is 2,789.3, NAFSL.

(NAFSL = Not Adjusted for Stride Length...)

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