How far have you walked?

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How many miles have you hiked in your life?

  • Under 500

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • 500-1000

    Votes: 18 28.1%
  • 1000-2000

    Votes: 8 12.5%
  • 2000-5000

    Votes: 16 25.0%
  • 5000+

    Votes: 20 31.3%

  • Total voters
There should be another choice in the poll:


I've been hiking in various places since the Boy Scouts, before most of you were born. I have no idea how many miles I've hiked, nor did it ever occur to me to keep track.
It is very hard to work this one out. Do the miles of fishing and hunting count? Do day hikes count? Or is this only bona fide full pack miles? 35 years of hiking adds up in a strange way. I wonder how many total miles folks have covered between hiking and running. I would think we have folks in the 50,000 mile range. ie. 30 miles a week 52 weeks or 1500 miles a year multiply by 20,30,40 years and you start to get some real big numbers. Then ad the hiking numbers say even 300 miles a year times 30 years and you add another 9,000 miles. Add the miles of nature walking, fishing, hunting, hitch hiking and woods play and you probably add another 10,000 miles over 30 years of active living. Hmm now if I count the miles I covered as a messenger.......
Got to agree w/pilgrim, HUh? Been doing it for over 40 years. I'm as clueless as a Postal Stupervisor as to HOW far I've walked.
If we count hunting then it's a heck of a lot more from following Dad as a 10 year old to High School where we went everyday after school (I had to take a couple of weeks off because I was developing a bone bruise on my right shoulder compliments of Remington) & then back to Saturdays from 18 until I was about 25.

Figured out I like the walking the best.
OMG, ya'll are makin' my head hurt.... :)

I'd guess I'm in the "Huh?" category. I haven't a clue. I did add up all the NH 4k's I did in the same pair of boots when I was trying to get a free repair out of Lowa (near 500 miles before blown out). Not fair to Lowa tho where there were alot of other non 4K trips in between.

But, I think I need the "NAFSL" criteria as well, tho. 28" leg length to the inseam, 8" foot. Any one want to do the math on that? I've often thought I should be getting bonus miles. :D
Geeze! I don'T even know how many miles I hiked last month, and you're asking me how many in my LIFE? I mean, that's something like 40 years!

First of all, I don't really 'know' the distance of a hike I'm doing. They tend to go in the range 2-5 miles, 3-7 miles, 10-ish 15-ish, etc. I'm not one of those 22.7 mile hikers.

Second of all sometimes I hike kilometers, and sometimes I hike miles. You think I have a degree in MATH or sompthing?

Third, this would have to mean that I would know/remember what I did. OK, so I started hiking in the 60's. I don'T remember ANYTHING from then.

So, sorry, no answer from me.

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