Huckleberry Loop, 8/5/08

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Catskills, Avatar: Porky & Pogo on Earth Day
This route, including the entire Hukleberry Loop Trail and a 2.8 mile section of the Dry Brook Ridge Trail south of Margaretville, was mostly grown over. Probably because of caterpillar infestation, much of the forest canopy in the area is thinned, allowing the encroachment of understory foliage, including thigh-high needle and chest high raspberry brambles. The brambles, at least, have some berries; the needles are just plain mean. Most of the hike was more like a nasty bushwhack than a trail walk. The treadway, where I could actually see it, was firm but slippery mud. Fortunately, there were few blown-down trees and the water crossings on this route are trivial. I did note some crudely cleared saplings along the way. Their sharply pointed stumps projecting about a foot above the ground made me particularly careful not to stumble or fall. The hike, which totals about 13 miles and 3000' of elevation gain/loss, took me five hours. Sane people will take longer, assuming they are foolish enough to attempt it at all. I suggest waiting at least until the leaves are down,

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