Hurricane or Hopkins - help decide

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Nov 28, 2003
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Exercise before excess food required Thursday but indecision is one of my terrible pitfalls. Looking for a non-High Peak day hike that is appropriate for my well behaved 4 year old lab. (yes as a cross post proves this indecision, Round is also being considered.) Somehow never did these two. Mid-morn temps sounds like ice will not an issue with either one. Good views from both but weather may limit that anyways. Given blah landscape with no snow and monotone trees, which would you suggest for exercise and relaxing on top with almost 50 degrees forecast?
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Exercise before excess food required Thursday but indecision is one of my terrible pitfalls. Looking for a non-High Peak day hike that is appropriate for my well behaved 4 year old lab. Somehow never did these two. Mid-morn temps sounds like ice will not an issue with either one. Good views from both but weather may limit that anyways. Given blah landscape with no snow and monotone trees, which would you suggest?
Never done Hopkins, but Hurricane is a winner from all 3 approaches.

From the West, gradual thru trees, eventually opens up.

From the South, Steep, shortest route.

From the East, moderate, with the old cabin site along the way. Steep finish.
Hopkins can be made into a loop, and like Hurricane you will likely find ice on the way up. Both are great "easier" destinations with Hopkins being somewhat easier if up via the more gradual Ranney Trail. Distance and amount of ascent are about the same for both (2.5-mile/2000'). Even though a popular destination Hopkins isn't as busy as Hurricane.
Round is much shorter (1.8-mile/1900') but quite steep in places and not a pleasant climb when ground is like now much like a frozen plank, if making a loop as trails are very wet these days the Old Dix Trail section along Icy Brook is likely a muddy mess.
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going solo this time of year, busy is perhaps an ok thing. I'm forgetting Round, leaning toward Hopkins since the trail in sounds nicer.
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No ice at all on Hurricane Mt today, 11/25/09. Leave the traction devices in the car!
"Leave the traction devices in the car! "

At this time of year, it may be wiser to leave in the pack just in case...