Mount Jackson – Sapblatt’s 48 – 10/8/2005

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Mike, congratulations on a job well done! Sorry to hear about the weather, but I'm glad it didn't stop you! Jackson is a fantastic and underrated mountain to finish on.
Good going, Mike....wish I could have been there to join you. I really appreciated the 7 peaks we got to share together and look forward to the next.
Hey Congrats again! It was a pleasure to hike with you folks and get some good advice on winter hiking and Maine destinations. Grace remarked on the way home that she did not have high hopes for a long slog in the rain but was very glad to have been proven wrong and able to meet such nice people.
Congratulations on a great start to getting back into hiking, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ;) Very sorry I couln't make it, but there will be more hikes to come. Thanks for the inspiration. Christine
Congrats, Mike!!! I'm sorry I couldn't be there with you to have shared the day, but I feel like a bit of a yenta if it was the beer bash I'd organized before taking off where you met mtnma and 'pa! ;) Sounds like a bit of kismet. (Is that enough yiddish for y'all?) ;)
Congrats! I was off in Maine doing the MCP thing. We got something over 5 inches of rain in Oxford, and the lake rose a ton! I wish I had been able to make it, but I was bound to picking up my parents minivan (Florida roadtrip next week!). Very happy that your weather was a lot better than where I was!

BTW, Thanks to Arm, Shizz, BoB, MtnPa (and Donna - to motivate them), I did not have to worry about my docks, which were mostly high and dry after we moved them a week ago.

Now Mike, About that "new" math. How does one go about having done 51 of the 67, yet only 50 of the 100 highest? :D
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