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- Sep 8, 2003
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My "significantly better half" is a occasional hiker! We decided to head up to the Dry River CG on Monday 7/19 and do a couple of day hikes tues and wed.
After a rainy night we woke to gray skies and a forecast calling form T storms in the am and pm with a mix of conditions in between. I had decided that our day would be a trip up Crawford Path to Pierce, and if conditions looked ok, shoot over to Ike before the afternoon T- storms moved in. I know her trail preferences and crawford fit it to a tee, and it's history also was of interest to her.
As we hit the trail at Mt Clinton Rd there was the low rumble of the t-storms off to the west. Off we went ok with the idea we were going to get rained on at some point.
Gibbs Brook was running enough to stop and appreciate it take a moment to listen in quiet to the soothing sound of a running mountain stream. The rumble of the approaching storm was getting much closer and moving quickly so a stop at Gibbs falls to get our rain jackets at the ready was in order. Within moments after leaving Gibbs Falls the t-storm was on us. It was one of those no warning or showers before! Just the sky opening up, and a heavy downpour. The downpour slowed to an on and off shower for the next hour or so, leaving the woods a neat foggy place.
About a half hour from the summit of Pierce things began to brighten, and by the time we summited the clouds had lifted from the southern ridge. For the most part! Washington seemed to stay hidden the whole day. After quick break and photo stop we decided things looked good for Ike so headed off. We were treated to a great walk across the ridge to Ike with very good views. Not much in the way of wildlife today, but junco's and brown capped chickadees kept us all company.
As we reached the summit of ike it was still pretty clear , a bit of a breeze had most comfortable in a light jacket while having a relaxing lunch snack. During our lunch, the skies were darkening to the west so out timming to head out was just about perfect. A quick good bye to the group headed for Lakes and the others on the summit . Well close to perfect... As we came out into the open about half way back to pierce the rain started. Just a brief shower, and i would guess mother natures way of letting us know who's in charge. As quickly as it started it ended. The trek back down crawford was pleasant. We passed may headed up to the hut for the evening, some just out for the afternoon. All in all a nice day in the mountains.
Tom and Field were on tap for today. I've never been up so these would be new trails for me. From Crawford Depot we headed up Avalon to A to Z, then the Tom spur, over to field and down avalon over Mt Avalon.
Warm and muggy today with bright sunny skies. Avalon was a nice trail along the Stream. We decided to leave the cascade loop for the trip down and maybe cool off a bit.
The tail was wet with some mud in spots, black flies out but not bad and not biting. We meandered up avalonmaking pretty good time to the cutoff, heading up the A to Z to the Tom Col. Very nice trail. We bumped into a few heading out from Zealand at the Col. Heading up the Tom Spur into the thick, trail was wet and muddy in spots. Up to the summit with great views even with the haze the views were great. We took a relaxing break and hit both the blowdown areas, had lunch and headed back down the spur. Picking up the WilleyRange trail we headed to Field. My wife enjoyed the variety of forests from tom to Field commenting on the section where it opens up prior to the last 4-500 ft to field.
The sun was out and and the limited views were still very good. Our stay was cut a bit short by a very young Grey Jay and one of his parents. My wife had heard me talk about these rather bold birds but was taken by surprise whan the young one came right at her!! All i heard was "WWooooAhhhh" and saw her duck as fast as she's ever moved
All i could do is smile and tell her "I told you so!!!
" I'll admit this is the first time i've seen them dive bomb quite that close. If she hadn't ducked i think the young one would have got her balance bar!! We did a very quick snack keeping an eye out then headed down Avalon.
The upper part of Avalon was NOT one of my wifes favorite trails! It was a change of plan hike so i didn't have time to get a description from the board so could only go by the amc description. I found it an interesting trail, she however didn't share my interest! It was very wet and with all the slab and loose rock not one of her favorite decents. She was a good sport though and took it all in stride. She threatened to revoke my guide license, but dinner at the Margarita Grill in Glen saved me
A great 2 days in the Notch. Pics in the next fwe days. I seem to be getting lax taking and posting lately.
After a rainy night we woke to gray skies and a forecast calling form T storms in the am and pm with a mix of conditions in between. I had decided that our day would be a trip up Crawford Path to Pierce, and if conditions looked ok, shoot over to Ike before the afternoon T- storms moved in. I know her trail preferences and crawford fit it to a tee, and it's history also was of interest to her.
As we hit the trail at Mt Clinton Rd there was the low rumble of the t-storms off to the west. Off we went ok with the idea we were going to get rained on at some point.
Gibbs Brook was running enough to stop and appreciate it take a moment to listen in quiet to the soothing sound of a running mountain stream. The rumble of the approaching storm was getting much closer and moving quickly so a stop at Gibbs falls to get our rain jackets at the ready was in order. Within moments after leaving Gibbs Falls the t-storm was on us. It was one of those no warning or showers before! Just the sky opening up, and a heavy downpour. The downpour slowed to an on and off shower for the next hour or so, leaving the woods a neat foggy place.
About a half hour from the summit of Pierce things began to brighten, and by the time we summited the clouds had lifted from the southern ridge. For the most part! Washington seemed to stay hidden the whole day. After quick break and photo stop we decided things looked good for Ike so headed off. We were treated to a great walk across the ridge to Ike with very good views. Not much in the way of wildlife today, but junco's and brown capped chickadees kept us all company.
As we reached the summit of ike it was still pretty clear , a bit of a breeze had most comfortable in a light jacket while having a relaxing lunch snack. During our lunch, the skies were darkening to the west so out timming to head out was just about perfect. A quick good bye to the group headed for Lakes and the others on the summit . Well close to perfect... As we came out into the open about half way back to pierce the rain started. Just a brief shower, and i would guess mother natures way of letting us know who's in charge. As quickly as it started it ended. The trek back down crawford was pleasant. We passed may headed up to the hut for the evening, some just out for the afternoon. All in all a nice day in the mountains.
Tom and Field were on tap for today. I've never been up so these would be new trails for me. From Crawford Depot we headed up Avalon to A to Z, then the Tom spur, over to field and down avalon over Mt Avalon.
Warm and muggy today with bright sunny skies. Avalon was a nice trail along the Stream. We decided to leave the cascade loop for the trip down and maybe cool off a bit.
The tail was wet with some mud in spots, black flies out but not bad and not biting. We meandered up avalonmaking pretty good time to the cutoff, heading up the A to Z to the Tom Col. Very nice trail. We bumped into a few heading out from Zealand at the Col. Heading up the Tom Spur into the thick, trail was wet and muddy in spots. Up to the summit with great views even with the haze the views were great. We took a relaxing break and hit both the blowdown areas, had lunch and headed back down the spur. Picking up the WilleyRange trail we headed to Field. My wife enjoyed the variety of forests from tom to Field commenting on the section where it opens up prior to the last 4-500 ft to field.
The sun was out and and the limited views were still very good. Our stay was cut a bit short by a very young Grey Jay and one of his parents. My wife had heard me talk about these rather bold birds but was taken by surprise whan the young one came right at her!! All i heard was "WWooooAhhhh" and saw her duck as fast as she's ever moved
The upper part of Avalon was NOT one of my wifes favorite trails! It was a change of plan hike so i didn't have time to get a description from the board so could only go by the amc description. I found it an interesting trail, she however didn't share my interest! It was very wet and with all the slab and loose rock not one of her favorite decents. She was a good sport though and took it all in stride. She threatened to revoke my guide license, but dinner at the Margarita Grill in Glen saved me
A great 2 days in the Notch. Pics in the next fwe days. I seem to be getting lax taking and posting lately.