In Search of Bog Pond 3/2/10

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Mar 21, 2009
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Baltimore, Maryland
After hiking to Georgianna Falls yesterday, we were curious about the sign indicating there is a trail that leads to Bog Pond.


We checked the White Mountain Map to see how far it might be, but there wasn’t an actual trail shown on the map.


Nonetheless we decided to give it a go.
We found the trail to be a snowmobile/jeep trail, which was not groomed because of several blow downs.


The trail although wide was marked well.



After about two hours of breaking the trail, we came upon views of Franconia Ridge, Kinsmans and Mt. Pemigewasset.


At the time we thought that this was Bog Pond; however, it didn’t take as long as it should have so we continued along the trail for another two hours in search of the Pond. The ascent was steeper and snow deeper.
Along the way we saw snow covered fungi.


After four hours of being on the trail that went on and on, we decided to turn around.
On our way back we saw black flecks in the tracks we had made (in the snow). Upon close examination they turned out to be “snow fleas”.


The views of Franconia Ridge and Mt. Pemigewasset were even better than before.





After almost 8 miles and 7 hours on the trail, being tired and hungry, we headed over to G & H Pizza. We had read so much about how good their pizzas are, that we decided to give them a try.
It was delicious and one of the best we’ve ever eaten.

We found out later from Steve Smith that we were still about a mile from Bog Pond.
I did the snowshoe hike from Reel Brook past Bog Pond years ago when it was a proposed route for I-93

There is/was a lineman's shack at the pond and a cable crossing of the bog
I admire your sense of adventure. In conjunction with a bushwhack to Bog Eddy a few weeks ago, I used a portion of the trail you were on (Murray's Trail, I think it's called). Except when there are a lot of snowmobilers on it, this trail offers a pleasant wintertime route to some interesting views, as you discovered for yourself!
Another good find Donna. As I was reading your description of the route to Bog Pond and looking at the pics I was wondering if this was the same area that John had posted the TR for recently. On reaching the end of the thread he answered the question for me. :)
AUDREY: After talking with Steve Smith, he said we were probably less than a mile from the Pond. Maybe we should have gone a bit further.

ROY: An interesting bit of WM history. Thanks.

JOHN: I have to admit that Michael is the more adventursome of the two of us. That was Murray's Trail you were on. Fortunately for us, it was so quiet and peaceful since the snowmobilers weren't out in force.:D

MARK: Thanks again. It was sheer coincidence, in a way, that we shared Bog Pond with John and nice to see his picture of what we missed.

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