Indian pass

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Sep 19, 2003
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clinton, ny "avatar:Bailey"
I want to hike indian pass from upper works. I believe it is called summit rock. I want to bring along my dog but I saw a picture of a ladder there that looked to high for him. He is a 90 Lb lab so I a not going to carry him up. Is this trip doable with him or should I leave him behind?
If I correctly recall, there is one vertical ladder with something like 11 or 14 steps that must be negotiated when approaching Summit Rock from Upper Works. (And upon return.) This would be difficult for a dog.

There also is another ladder of comparable length but non-vertical that helps ascend-descend a different ledge in the pass on the Upper Works side. This one might be easier for a dog to handle, but still would be a challenge, I think.

If you hike from the Loj side, I don't believe you would encounter any ladders, and you'll actually go through what I think is the most spectacular part of the hike, with views of Wallface.
I endorse Dick's recommendation.

Also much recommended is a hike through Indian Pass from Adirondack Loj to Upper works, if you can arrange the trailhead transport shuttles.

Here was the tallest ladder I encountered, hiking NE from Upper Works last year.

The others were shorter and more for convenience/trail preservation than necessity. I recall thinking an agile person (or dog) could scramble around most of them .

There were a few short but very steep trail meanders heading into the central part of the pass. It was also steep partway from Summit Rock to the trail junction (to Marshall).

Keep your dog close; there are a lot of cavities between the numerous fallen boulders below Wallface.

Must've spent an hour trying to get up that damn thing one winter back around '97. it was entirely encased in ice and I we had left our crampons and snowshoes back at the L/T and were out for a short dayhike to summit rock.
I had my plastic boots and could not get a toehold - Finally gave up and carefully crawled around it.