Greener wood?
I say burn more wood when you are camping! But know how to do it.
I used to be very anti-campfire in the woods, used a stove almost all the time summer and winter.
I had seen too many "Dudes" and "pilgrimes" out there making nasty fires- burning metal, glass, used TP and other garbage.
Fires too big- with too much unburned wood left, half burned, behind.
Unrooted trees (green wood, too!) shoved into the fire- hearths a foot or more high with old ash and charcoals.
Nasty, dirty. And I left NYC to get away from the pollution.
Then a stove failure had me making supper over a small wood fire one trip. This smells nice! Comforting, too. I made my small cook fire within the larger fire ring and used the wood that others did not deem worthy of their own fires.
Small fire is good. The circumference of a salad plate. And, if I put it in the fire- I burn it up completely. No garbage burned- that I pack out. Then, only a small handful of ashes left behind, scattered off in to the woods.
Small fire wood is good. Just what I can find around and can easily snap with my hands. Pencil thickness to wrist thickness (me- small wrists)
Observed many tragic fires on the news. With all of our interference in supressing fires, too much fuel builds up- result- wild fires on epic scales. Witnessed the clean-up/aftermath of fire on the North Rim Grand Canyon. dead wood on ground being bundled up for removal. I think- I could use that wood- so many camp fires going to be missed!
Does wood burning cause pollution. Hell yes. So does the flatulance of you me cows and the honey bee. And so does my stove.
Want ot be green- go cold camping.