Just Bein' Practical . . .
Over the last three weekends I have spent two Friday nights and one Saturday afternoon standing in wind and rain, photographing high school and college football games, and another Saturday morning in high winds and cold shooting a high school cross country running meet. Such is the lot of he or she who does photo assignments for local daily newspapers in this season. Tricked out in a decent EMS Gore-Tex shell parka with appropriate layers of wool and fleece stuff underneath, my well waterproofed hiking boots, and selected accessories from my hiking gear collection, I tackled the jobs (no pun intended, of course) fearlessly.
Some folks may have thought me -- a short fat guy -- to be a pretender, clad in all that hikin’ stuff. But so be it. I walked the sidelines and the race course in relative comfort, and got the pictures I was sent after.
As it turns out, a lot of my hiking wardrobe is just the right stuff for many of the photo assignments I get called to do. My Limmers are the most comfortable footwear I own, period, and are perfect for jobs that will have me on my feet for long hours. They also are pretty good in the press of a crowd, for other reasons I needn't divulge here (use your imagination).
Sometimes I go shopping for groceries on my way home from a job. Sometimes I go shopping for groceries on the way home from a hike. Should you spot me and move in a little closer, you probably could tell which it is by the fragrances I emit.