Is the cold keeping you home?

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Damn, those are some nice shots.
What is that blue thing up high over everything?
I hiked last weekend and it seems like every time I do hike, I never see that thing.

I just looked it up, it's the sky, Yipee.

I'm heading out right now.
Thanks for the inspiration.
Thanks for letting me live vicariously through your pictures JohnL, the Cabot summit looks an awful lot like the Tecumseh summit :)

I have been watching the playoffs and cooking food for the Gathering, so warmth and indoors for me, but I sure am jealous about your hike.

Gorgeous! How can you go wrong with "I can feel my eyelids freezing together" ??? Thanks for sharing the pics, John, I'm very jealous.

Fear not, Sli, we have a nice long weekend in the ADK's coming up to play!
Hiked yesterday (Saturday). Hiking peaks with trails primarily in the woods and close enough to get me home in time for the playoffs. Rte 93 is awesome, no traffic or toll back-ups.
yup, bummer

We were all set to go to the Cascade X-C Full Moon party Saturday nite. Only 4 of our party made it, everyone else bailed. My ride cancelled, so i didn't make it up there. There were reports of -20 to -25 deg temps in Placid. Our friends that made is said it was rather cold.

I did go to the EMS snowshoe expo in the Albany Pine Bush Saturday am. THAT was cold, but i can report the MSR Evo's are a step above my Denali Ascents. Nice shoe. I felt bad for the snowshoe guys and gals there. Just standing there all day...

Raced in the Great Gore Mt. Racquette Snowshoe race at Gore Mt. Sunday am, but temps were a balmy 6 at start time, so it had warmed up considerably.

Hiked on Sunday, felt balmy

Sunday wasn't bad! But, we weren't up high. Good for the people that did go out on Saturday like John who went to Cabot. The sky looked so beautiful from your pics!:)
All day in the cold!

I got out on Saturday all day and had a great time. Me and my buddies got a late start, but the sun was out and it was feeling pretty good. I had long johns and pants on to start, as well as a few layers on top. We ate pretty well and drank plenty of hot chocolate to keep warm.

Later in the day, as the sun went down, so did our body temperature. We built a nice big fire at our campsite to keep us warm and we all huddles around it for a while. Just when we were getting warm, though, we decided that it was too nice of a night to stay put, so we went for a little jaunt. The moon was out and it was perfectly clear.

Away from our fire, it was colder than we would have liked, but we stayed together and jumped around or yelled just to stay warm. More hot chocolate helped that cause as well. In a few cases, we had to hug one another just to stave off the cold.

After that, it was back to our campsite and fire, which was long since out. We quickly started that again with some fresh wood and white gas. Before long the fire was again blazing and we were warm and happy.. even happier once we had some more food and more hot chocolate.

Confused? Well, the food was steak tips, burgers and chicken. The hot chocolate was spiked with Dr. Magillicuty's. The walk was this nice little paved trail along Route 1, to the Patriots Game of course! Over 10 hours out in the cold on saturday and it was all worth it, as the Pats are just one win away from Houston. Go Pats!

Well, here are a couple of my favorite cold weather quotes I've heard so far this winter: 1) Coming from a well known Yankee nearing the summit of Flume, "Phew, I have not hiked in a couple of weeks, I can feel it" -- slight pause -- "Then again, I do not want to disparage a lifestyle of sitting on the living room couch wearing only underpants with the TV and a six pack!"
2.) From an 83 year old guy skiing down a powder run through the trees at Alta, "Wow, after a run like that, it makes a guy feel like he's in his seventies again."

So, layer up, get out there and enjoy the cold.

I still cannot get one of our pipes to unfreeze. Any ideas other than space heaters, hairdryers and 40 degree weather?
Had been anticipating a full moon snowshoe up Mansfield but cloudy skis on the warm days, frozen pipes on the cold days and a 60 hour work week all conspired against me. Cloudy again so I probably won't be going out for a half moon snowshoe either.
Get Out There!

X-C skied in the Siamese Ponds Wilderness on Sat. Hiked up Hadley Mt. on Sunday. Layers, plenty to eat and drink (thermos of hot chocolate, and keep moving.