Isolation, 2/11/2012

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Jul 18, 2005
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Nashua, NH
Hike: Isolation

Date: February 11, 2012

Hike: Isolation

We’re heading to Isolation, again. The approach will be Rocky Branch Trail, Engine Hill Bushwhack, Isolation Trail, and Davis Path, Isolation Spur.

Anybody want to join the fun?

We’re planning on-trail target of 7:30am from the Rocky Branch trailhead on Rte. 16.

We hike a moderate pace, which is around book time or a little more.

If you’re interested in joining the fun or have any questions, please respond to this thread or by PM.

Our group will have boots on trail by 8:00am. The trail is all broken out and from Trish's TR a super highway.
Yep, it's a highway (the girls and I did it yesterday). It'll be a fast and easy hike for everyone this weekend, especially with all the groups headed out there.
I'm pretty sure with the combination of a lack of snow plus all of the traffic the place has seen over the past few weeks it's been a "highway" for quite some time.

Actually, we brought snowshoes yesterday, since I'd been told the Engine Hill bushwhack was soft and that there was some drifting here and there (from someone who'd hiked the route only two days before). There hasn't been a total lack of snow up here in NH, some areas have gotten dustings and a few inches here and there. Happy to report that when we went, there were no soft bits and no drifting. Super-solid packed "highway" from start to finish.

Of course, there is snow in the forecast (albeit it not much), so you might want to bring the 'shoes anyway, just in case. However, with the multitude of groups out there this weekend, I've a feeling the route will keep its current "highway" status.

Have an excellent trip. :D
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So tempting to head to Isolation tomorrow after reading/hearing about the great conditions out there!
I managed to get a nice blister under a callous on my big toe today!!! (just what everyone wanted to know)
So, I'm a "maybe" for hitting Rocky Branch tomorrow!!
I hope you can find the moleskin and come out for a day in the mountains. We have a good group on this one with there's room for a few more.

Hope to see you in the morning.
