Isolation: 48th Hike: 2/4/06

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Jul 9, 2005
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Stamford, CT
Okay, 48th is planned for Saturday Feb 4th (day before the Super Bowl). The plan is to meet at 0600 at the start of the Rocky Branch Trail off Route 16. Rocky Branch Trail to Isolation Trail, and then either all the way around, north to the start of the Davis Path and south to Isolation, or via the bushwack... to be decided. If you are free, hope you can make it! One rule: we are going to have fun! :p
I've marked my calendar!

6:00 a.m. start time? :eek: I'll be there even if it is a bit early!

Sleeping in sounds good to me .... I like the way the moosehat thinks :D . I will definitely be there Len. Looking forward to it.
I haven't done it, but I know some people who have. Bobandgeri gave me some great tips... a group went out a week ago and talked a bit about it. I have a general idea that once you hit the Isolation Trail, you take a magnetic bearing of about 330 to Davis Path, just north of Mt. Isolation. That is a very basic idea... I'm sure there are others who can give you great details.
We did the Isolation bushwhack two weeks ago with Cath Goodwin leading, Rocky Branch to 3,100 elevation contour on Engine hill then take a compass bearing of 330 it will dump you out on the Isolation trail and avoid a couple of crossings. This is the most popular bushwhack and is well tracked out in winter. There's another obvious one further down that avoids a drainage area also well tracked out in winter. You'll still have a couple of stream crossings that can be interesting. I took some pictures
Isolation next week

It is looking better for me to get away next weekend. Is this trip still on? How many in the party? Is there "room" for a slower hiker? (Havent been in the mts yet this winter, unfortunately).
Right now, I'm anticipating that there will be a good amount of people. A few people who consider themselves "slower" have decided to start earlier, but I am not sure yet about the details on when and where. There may also be a group starting from a different location in order to best protect the trails. I should have more details early next week, but, other than bad weather, the hike is still on.
cool stuff -

I will be doing something else that day that I have had planned for a while - but where is the celebration for this event?? - was talking to MEB a couple of weeks back on our wash trip and said I would maybe meet up for the celebration after for food/drink - come on - there will be a celebration right? :D :D :D

len - we hiked together on MEBS franconia thing back in oct - not sure if you recall - you were the dude nuts about the pats right??
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giggy said:
len - we hiked together on MEBS franconia thing back in oct - not sure if you recall - you were the dude nuts about the pats right??

That's me. That franconia hike was awesome... I had a great time. It was great meeting you.

I think the post-hike gameplan is to go to the Shannon Door Pub afterwards. More details to follow.
I am going to try and convince my older brother to abandon our Mt. Washington summit trip and attend, sounds like a great time. We were slated to stay at Harvard cabin, hike up, and then do a little climbing in Huntington Ravine the next day.

I hope to see you all there.
Mohamed Alozy (not sure on the spelling) has a set of detailed bushwhack info on his website that I did a few years ago. Given the current conditions, it should be a fast hike if you take the two bushwhacks. One caveat is that the crossing of the rocky branch is quite a challenge in the winter especially when there has been a lot of freeze thaw. On the three times I have done the trip, our group has spent more than 30 minutes looking for a good place to cross and we never really have. The snow and ice builds up a steep banking on each side that corresponds to the high water and the width is too wide to jump.
Lawn Sale said:
I am going to try and convince my older brother to abandon our Mt. Washington summit trip and attend, sounds like a great time. We were slated to stay at Harvard cabin, hike up, and then do a little climbing in Huntington Ravine the next day.

I hope to see you all there.

I'll probably be heading over with Lawn Sale too.
Jims advice is right on. Take the 330M bush whack along the 3100 foot contour line . Leave the Rocky Branch Trail just over the obvious height of land at Engine Hill and you'll have a great trip. Probably tracked out well now also. A while after you cross the RB near it's headwaters, the trail can be indistinct but, go up and you'll eventually get to the ridge line where a left turn wants to be made to the summit of Iso.
Congrats on getting 47
I am interested in joining you all for this hike. My plans for the weekend are still a bit up in the air, however, with a potential obligation for the evening of the 4th. Any guesses on approximately how long this hike should take? I'm not the slowest of hikers, but not extremely fast, either. For example, I did Tom, Field, and Willey last February with a friend, We ended up breaking trail between Tom and Willey and completed the trip in less than 9 hours (we spotted cars, so we didn't have to double back).