Isolation: 48th Hike: 2/4/06

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Congratulations Lenny! It was a great day, and I was so happy to be there to witness your success :) See you on the trails!
FYI conditions the next day...

I tried to climb Isolation on Sunday the 5th. It had rained most of the night, and a lot more until about 11AM or so. It was also warm, maybe the upper 30s or so. Even after putting on snowshoes (24", 200# gross) I was breaking through where there was water flowing under the snow, which was a lot of places. When I got to Rocky Branch Brook, I just couldn't cross it. There just wasn't enough ice or snow bridge left to make the leaps safe. Also, whatever snow and ice was in the brook couldn't be trusted.
I walked upstream for about 10-15 minutes looking for a place to cross. I got to a place where I could see the summit ridge (I think) and decided that even if I could cross, by the time I summited and got back, I'd have to re-cross after dusk. I could have taken the trail (which was already back on my side of the brook), but that would have meant extra mileage, and I had been psyched to follow your shortcut tracks directly up to the ridge.
It was tough turning around as I'd already counted that chicken before it hatched. But my disappointment was eased over the next 2 days as I climbed the 3 Carters on Mon, and the 2 Wildcats on Tues. It was a long drive from northern NY, but going 5 for 6 made it worth it.