Date of Hike: 2/23/08
Trail Conditions: Fresh Snow with poor trail markings from ski trail split to height of land. Following the trail was challenging.
Special Equipment Required: Snowshoes and Poles required. Map/Compass and GPS helpful. Ice ax was helpful on the glissades off the steep bushwack slopes
Comments: Broke trail from the parking lot to the summit. Started at 6:15 am. We followed the Rocky branch trail to the Rocky Branch Stream. The snow was well consolidated but no tracks. Snow bridges were intact over the Rocky Branch Stream. Once you cross the stream, our tracks go to the right up to the summit. We basically headed on a 314 degree heading up the front side of Mt. Isolation. There were 4 to 6 steep sections that we front pointed with our snow shoes. Brent Carl and Kurt did a great job breaking trail, especially on the rough stuff! There were great views of the Presidential Range. Mount Washington was visible above the undercast! We ate lunch, chicken soup and noodles on the summit at 1:30. Arrived at the trail head around 6:30pm Noticed two sets of back country ski tracks up the rocky branch trail after us. Celebrated our hike over dinner at the Muddy Moose in North Conway.
A great job by the SAT (summit assault team) Brent, Carl, Kurt Jeff and Karin!
View Photos at http://home.townisp.com/~jeffunderk/index.htm
[email protected]
Trail Conditions: Fresh Snow with poor trail markings from ski trail split to height of land. Following the trail was challenging.
Special Equipment Required: Snowshoes and Poles required. Map/Compass and GPS helpful. Ice ax was helpful on the glissades off the steep bushwack slopes
Comments: Broke trail from the parking lot to the summit. Started at 6:15 am. We followed the Rocky branch trail to the Rocky Branch Stream. The snow was well consolidated but no tracks. Snow bridges were intact over the Rocky Branch Stream. Once you cross the stream, our tracks go to the right up to the summit. We basically headed on a 314 degree heading up the front side of Mt. Isolation. There were 4 to 6 steep sections that we front pointed with our snow shoes. Brent Carl and Kurt did a great job breaking trail, especially on the rough stuff! There were great views of the Presidential Range. Mount Washington was visible above the undercast! We ate lunch, chicken soup and noodles on the summit at 1:30. Arrived at the trail head around 6:30pm Noticed two sets of back country ski tracks up the rocky branch trail after us. Celebrated our hike over dinner at the Muddy Moose in North Conway.
A great job by the SAT (summit assault team) Brent, Carl, Kurt Jeff and Karin!
View Photos at http://home.townisp.com/~jeffunderk/index.htm
[email protected]