Jay Mountain true summit is it? Sept. 16, 2012


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Sep 8, 2003
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New parking lot is not quite ready yet but new trail to ridge is open to climbers. The old 1.5-mile “herdpath” used to go straight and rather steeply at times for the ridge, the new trail meanders via 2.5-miles of beautiful forest all along a close to perfect grade, which our knees particularly appreciated while descending.
The SCA (http://www.thesca.org/about/history ) built the lower portion of the trail and the ADK pro crew the upper section. Thanks to one of its member donation the Hurricane Mountain Chapter of ADK was able to chose and finance this particular project.
Even though it’s not likely the work of an authorized trail builder but there is now a zigzagging path from the usually assumed summit of Jay to a 1942 benchmark indicating what was then considered the true summit. In any case it’s well worth the extra 10 minutes walk following cairns as it offers not only the survey bold indicating JAY but good views towards the East and much more! But what it’s not for sure is the way to Saddleback at the other end of the ridge...

Update: new parking lot is now "open for business" and new trail starts right from it!
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