Jay Mtn NY 7/2/11


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We started at 9:35 AM and arrived at the west peak at 11:45, where the views of the High Peaks were wonderful. After lunch we hiked along the ridge across numerous ups and downs. The trail on the ledges of the ridge is fairly well marked with cairns but the trail through shrubbery is very overgrown. It would be a good deed to bring a clipper and trim some of this vigorous growth so that the trail won't be obliterated.
Although it is a herd path, the trail on the ridge is very scenic and ingeniously laid out. There is no water anywhere on this hike. I brought 4 bottles of ice tea and drank them all. Fantastic views all the way once you get up on the ridge. From the main peak we could see much of Lake Champlain and the Green Mountains, especially Mt Mansfield and Camels Hump. The view of Death Mtn is very interesting. We were back out at 6:30 PM.
I posted pictures of the hike in the Pursuivant photo album at http://dickenshiking.bravehost.com
Good hiking!