JBL Trip: 3/19/6 - 3/21/6


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Tom Rankin

Well-known member
Sep 28, 2004
Reaction score
Bloomville, New York
I know it's a long way off, but I called John's Brook Lodge today ( http://adk.org/johns_brook/index.aspx ) and they are filling up fast.

Camp Peggy O'Brien still has the last 3 days of Winter 2006 open, 3/19/6 - 3/21/6, (Sunday - Tuesday). It has room for 12 people, in bunk beds. Checkin/Checkout is Noon. The cabin is heated. You have to bring your own 'everything', i.e. water (available from the stream near by), food, sleeping bag, etc. There is a stove. It's about 3.5 miles from the Garden parking lot to the cabin. I was thinking March because the weather prospects are better, and there is more daylight.

It costs $765 for 3 nights, which if we fill it, is about $65/person. The web page has incorrect prices, I was told.

The plan would be to hike in to the cabin on the 19th, do some peaks the 20th and 21st, and walk out the 22nd. You are of course free to attempt more peaks on the days we walk in and out.

From the JBL, the following peaks are reachable:

UWJ, LWJ, Armstrong, Gothics, Sawteeth, Saddleback, Basin, Haystack, Marcy, Gray, Skylight, The Brothers, Big Slide, Yard, Short Job, and maybe a few more....

If anyone is interested, let me know here. I've made a reservation that can be cancelled up until February 19th, 2006. After that, we would lose 50% of the total if we cancel out. (They will refund our money if the conditions are so bad that the caretaker can not reach the Cabin).
Yarrr.... I be int'rested. Tell me when & where to send the swag... (just getting prepared for talk like a pirate day!). Seriously, I've been wanting to get there for awhile, & this sounds like a winner. PM me if you need any money up front.
AMF said:
Yarrr.... I be int'rested. Tell me when & where to send the swag... (just getting prepared for talk like a pirate day!). Seriously, I've been wanting to get there for awhile, & this sounds like a winner. PM me if you need any money up front.

Just so everyone knows, I will not ask for money until I have at least 10 folks signed up. Then I'll be asking for $65.00.
MichaelJ said:
Is it XC-skiable from parking to the cabin?

Yes, I've seen skiers on those trails. There are a few bumps along the way, up and down, but it's do-able. The overall gain is about 700' over 3.5 miles.

You can actually go quite far up the streams on skis in that area. Coming back down, I've seen skiers making very good time.
cantdog said:
So that would mean checking out on the morning of Wednesday 3/22, right? I need the first 8 mentioned peaks and would prefer to have company while doing them. This might sound dumb, but I just want to confirm that a bear canister is not needed at this place. Anyway, I'm interested.


Yes, checkout is 3/22. FYI: Winter Hiking in the ADKs is always 12/21 - 3/21.

No, We will not need any extra canisters. The cabin has adequate room for supplies to be stashed indoors. There is a heavy lid on the container to keep out pests, but I never saw any last year.
Tom, I need to get Big Slide (which I can do from the Road) LWJ & Armstrong for my winter round (as well as Basin & Haystack) so please sign me up.

(It's been a few years since I have stayed tehre in the winter, but I am assuming we can still use all utensils as well as the fireplace and the propane oven/stove?
Rick said:
Tom, I need to get Big Slide (which I can do from the Road) LWJ & Armstrong for my winter round (as well as Basin & Haystack) so please sign me up. thanks Rick (It's been a few years since I have stayed tehre in the winter, but I am assuming we can still use all utensils as well as the fireplace and the propane oven/stove?

Yes, to all of your questions. When I stayed at Grace Camp last Winter, we left the heat on low over night and it stayed in the 60's in the cabin, maybe even warmer up in the top bunks.
Chip said:
where do you stand on the head count now ?

Well, I've got a few firm yes's and a bunch of definite maybe's. :D

But if you're asking if there is still room, yes!

When I get to the critical mass (10), I will contact everyone and ask for money. Then we'll see what happens from there.
Camp Peggy

Hey Tom --

Count me in, too. I stayed at Camp Peggy O'Brien last winter. Might be finishing my Winter 46 on this trip. Let me know when you want deposit $.

-- T. Schmitz
Id love to have a nice base in NY to get in some new trips. And what better way than with some Adirondack veterans. I am very interested. As in as I can be 5 months prior anyway. I can send dollars when you ask and Im sure I'll have questions as the time nears...
To all:

We're getting close. I have 8 yes responses, and 8 maybe's.

There are already 16 people involved, and we only have room for 12.

So, I think it's time to ask for money.

Please send me $70.00 (I know this is more than I said originally, but if there is extra I will either refund the difference, or buy common food, or something). I will contact each of you and start an email list, so this is easier to manage.

I will also start a waiting list, in case anyone cancels out.

My refund policy: If you cancel out on us before 2/14/6, you will get your money back. After that, if there is no one on the waiting list, too bad.

I will send address/payment information as a PM/Email to the 16 who have expressed interest so far.

Anyone else can still contact me if they want to sign up.

I'm in for sure if there is still room.Thanx Tom for being so motivated.Destine to be a Classic!
I was the coordinator for renting Grace and Winter camp for many years. Then we snagged O'Brien Camp after it was constructed and stayed there for a number of seasons.
A good way to go in is pulling a sled. There are no grades so steep that you can't easily do that. Some group members used to ski in and and ski descend the peaks, including some nice bushwack descents down some of the brooks off the Range Trail. Expert skills for those.
Bear cannisters not needed as the bears are beddy-bye during the winter months. We climbed and reclimbed all the peaks Tom mentioned. They are all feasible. In addition to the peaks mentioned, you can also climb Gooseberry, Howard and Tabletop. Bennie's Brook would be a nice route up LWJ and out over some of the Range Trail peaks.
It was always nice to have someone who really enjoyed cooking come in as part of the party. The last evening "banquets" after a day of climbing were always fun.