Jefferson Adams and Madison

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The Sikes

Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
New Boston NH
We decided to do the Jefferson Adams and Madison loop even though I don't have a car right at the moment never mind 2. A friend offered to drop us off at the trail head and use his extra car to get back to his place. (I am so thankful for friends who understand the need to get out in the woods)

The day was suppose to be 0% chance of rain and sunny. We got up and headed for the trail head only to be driving in the RAIN. I called my husband to double check the forecast and he said he saw nothing on the radar. I explained his radar must be incorrect because it was indeed raining on my parade!

We decided to continue on thinking it would be fine. Hindsight is 20/20. I probably would have rather waited to do this loop on a better day but ....
Up Caps Ridge we went in the constant misting. The rocks were wet and Matthew said he was cold as we got to the open area where the wind was picking up. I loaded him up with all his clothes and my clothes (socks for mittens because for the first time, I didn't pack them?!!!! I have them year round and for some reason took them out!) I asked him how he felt. He said it was warm and we kept on. I called my husband to tell him I was going to bail once we got to Jefferson and figure out how to get to the car. I didn't feel safe in the conditions we were in.

Once we hit Jefferson, the sun was trying to peak through the thick clouds and it felt a little warmer. The rain had stopped but the clouds were wetting us. The wind was getting a lot stronger at this point but we hid behind the cairn and ate. We saw 2 people coming up the trail from Appalacia that was it.

We then headed off to Adams deciding that if the weather didn't improve we would go down from there leaving Madison. The clouds persisted and the wind got worse. Some times we would have to stop and sit because we were being knocked around so much. It was constantly in our faces or to the side a little and unrelenting. Surprisingly, when we hit Adams (despite the nasty wind trying to knock us off the mountain), there were breaks of blue sky. We could actually see Washington...the road going up it....then the clouds would come back but it was definitely getting clearer. We carefully headed down Adams via Sky Line. It was slow going. The wind was very strong and Matthew is very light. I didn't want any injuries. We talked about going all the way down or getting Madison. We opted to keep going.

We stopped at the hut (what kid doesn't love to go and check that out). It would have been nice to stay there and just enjoy the view finally!!! but no reservations and no money so off we went to tag Madison. (I did have $3 and bought batteries. My camera had died on Adams. I was sad. Finally, a view but no camera to take pictures. It was our luck for the day.) We saw a couple of people coming down and then no one was at the top but us!!! The entire day had been like that. It felt weird for the Presidentals.

After a very short rest at Madison, we headed down the Watson Trail. It was almost 5:00 and we had a long way to go on tired legs to get to our car. The rocks were starting to get on my nerves and it just seems neverending at this point. We got into the woods and for the first time this day the wind was whipping at us. The trail down was muddy and wet and slippery. There was a pine tree in the middle of the trail we squeezed through. The water crossing were fine. We made it out just before dark!

It was a long day but all and all fun after the rain ended. 13 miles and Matthew never complained. He always amazes me. I told him any time he wanted to end the day, we could. It's about enjoying the experience and having fun. The mountains will be there for another day. He said he enjoyed himself and can't wait for the next one. I, for one, need to rest my tired legs first. haha
It's a great loop. Just wished the weather were better. You never can tell up there. We at least got views later in the day. So beautiful up there!
Glad you made trip safely. I know alot of people travel light in the summer, not me. It can pretty wet and cold up there and xtra warm clothes can not only keep you warm and safe. But allow you to continue safely. You guys have been doing some great hikes, keep it up!!!

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