Jefferson by Castle and Israel Ridge Trails, 7-5-08

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This is a demanding but spectacular loop. John and I were very fortunate to have almost perfect weather: Clear to partly cloudy skies, mild temps, low humidity and little wind. We went up the Castle Trail, which is pretty much as described in the AMC manual. It is very (very) rough at the castles, requiring climbing by hand holds and sometimes hauling your body up on top of a boulder with no footing. We felt it would not be a good choice for descents, but a guy who passed us going up, turned around at the top and went right back down. Each castle has a good resting place on top, with views to all sides. Very cool.
Unlike the trail, the summit was crowded with people, which was not surprising for the 4th of July weekend. Lots of folks doing hut hikes.
After a leisurely lunch, we did the surprisingly difficult descent to Edmands Col, paid homage to the great trail builder, then set off on the nifty part of the Randolph path that curves through the scrub at an almost level grade along the rim of Castle Ravine. Again great views. Finally turned off on the Israel Ridge Trail for the long walk down. Israel Ridge is much less challenging than the Castle Trail. There are some very nice new ladders at the most difficult spots.
Brook crossings were not exactly easy, but we managed without mishap.
Special equipment: None. Bug spray and sun block were both useful. The black flies were active and the summit rocks had lots of varied flies and bugs.
We got close looks at a white-throated sparrow and a yellow-rump warbler. We noticed some fisher or pine martin scat and another hiker pointed out some bobcat scat.
4 hours 45 minutes up; 4 hours 30 minutes down.
A great hike!

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